CPU run 100% when watching youtube

Aug 8, 2018
Hi! I have an HP Elitedesk 705 G1 PC with an AMD A6-pro 7400B r5 processor. My problem is when I start a webbrowser /Firefox or Chrome or Edge/ it start to run 100% every time. Worst when I use youtube! My older computer's CPU run 5%!!! It is possible in my computer has a different CPU than what it shows? It is a refurbished PC. Thanks for your answer!
There's a free program called Speccy which will tell you a lot about your computer. I'd start with that before trying to figure out the problem, you need to know what you're really working with.

I can tell you that Youtube does use high definition video, this can eat up a lot of CPU power. Video playback acceleration is something your integrated graphics or videocard can help with, but only if it is installed correctly. For instance, the graphics drivers need to be installed.
with laptops start off seeing what the amount of ram is on your laptop and if some of the system ram is used for video ram. if it is and you only have 4g of ram you may be running out of ram and bottlenecking the cpu. on your pc make sure it has the newest adobe flash player a lot of older videos and program still you java and flash and some will use the newer html5. in flash player make sure hardware use check box is on if not your cpu may be taking the hit. i would go to amd driver page get the newest system and video drivers for the chipset of the laptop.

There is 16 GB RAM and I istalled Flash and java few days ago. But I will try again.

Thank you for your answer I will try that program!!!
I tried and it said the same type of CPU.. And I updated all the drivers.. but the problem not solved yet 🙁
Ok, so I tried everything what I can. Nothing helped. I wrote the the company who make these refurbished PCs, and they said I have to send them back to computer to check it. So that all for now. Thank you for everyone!!!