CPU runnin around 80-90 degrees while gaming


Dec 21, 2016
A few days ago my computer started stuttering, mainly during Battlefield and Dota2(alt tabbing).
I don't know what the culprit is tbh, it happened after the may 10 windows update(might be coincidental).
Anyway, I was monitoring my CPU usage and temperature during battlefield and I realized the temperature is hitting 80+ frequently. Usage changes from map to map, but it usually lingers around 60-70, hitting 90+ at intensive 64 man maps.

I have my 7700k OC'd at 4.8 ghz, I'm using the MSI z270 gaming M7's OC preset in the bios. Core voltage is at 1.315V.
This is the CPU Z screenshot :


I have thermaltake friosilent12 I usually run it at max speed which is 1400 rpm.

I'm pretty sure my CPU didn't hit these temperatures before.

So did something happen to my CPU ?

ps : I recently updated to the newest BIOS and nothing has changed regarding the CPU.

for case fans you could check these cheap and good for a set of 4 no led https://cougargaming.com/en/products/fans/ check the 120 mm some are 3 pins and others pwm also you dont need to get another case .
Start with looking at hte change log of the bios update.
Maybe loadline calibration is more aggressive now?
Maybe temps were not actually correct before?
You can also check to see if you can lower the voltage now and still maintain 4.8Ghz.
I know the temps are correct because they were consistent on 3 different softwares. MSI command center(this one actually displays a couple of degrees higher), cpuz HW monitor and msi after burner.

I didn't try to downclock it but I checked the heatsink and 2 or 3 screws weren't as tight as they should have been. But then I guess removing it and remounting it after reapplying the thermal paste would be a better solution. Not gonna do that yet though since I don't have thermal paste.

I also realized lately there is this thing called intel online connect is constantly running on the background as well as some other intel related stuff. I haven't seen them prior to may 10 windows update.
Don't think it is the culprit but then my PC has had some minor issues after the update as well.

I use this PC for gaming and for work so I can't take it to the vendor for technical support just yet. But I'll eventually do it if there is nothing else to do.

I removed the side panel of the PC case and temps lowered by a few degrees. GPU went down from 70-71 to 65-67 and CPU doesn't go above 84-85 very often. Usually sits below 80. In Ameins and Fort de Vaux(2 very intensive 64 man maps of BF 1) GPU usage is higher than other maps and temps usually go above 80. but saw 90 only a few times.
Removing the side panel somewhat helped, I guess there is a problem with the air flow. Mainy the power supply I think, thats where it is the hottest.

I also did a couple of bench tests on CPUZ and temps hhit 83-84. It is funny how BF1 is more demanding than a benchmark test.

I also disabled those intel softwares(online connect and management somethng) since they were interfering with monitoring softwares.



PSU is at the bottom. It is a custom one I bought. Above it is the GPU. above GPU is the CPU cooler.
I have 3 case fans.
1 lined up with CPU fan on the back which pushes the air out.
2 fans on the top which push the air in.
Fan set up seems ok to me.
you case could have 5fans in it 2 in fron 120 mm or 140 mm 2 on top 120 mm and 1 one back 120 mm ,the way you have them set up it is onlyreciculating air around top to back on the cpu so gpu does not have fresh air , set up fan this way 2 in front as intake then 2 on top and i in back as exhaust and recheck temp there will be a big drop .

Are you saying top fans should be exhaust as well ? I'll need to buy 2 more fans on the front then.

Any suggestions for a CPU cooler ? Should I go with liquid or a decent air cooler ?

Anyways thanks for the suggestions.
start by repaste and fix the cpu cooler after this get case fans for the front check these 120mm one some seller have a kit of 4 for around 30 $ https://cougargaming.com/en/products/fans/ and put top as exhaust after this set recheck temp and if cpu still high you could check for a better cfm cpu cooler .side details on my system temp on idle cpu 23 c board 33c with a evo 212 that run at 1800 rpm and i have those cougar fans some run at 700 rpm nd the other 900 rpm since i use 120 mm and 140 mm my ssd at 27 c and my hdd at 23 c with a gpu on idle a 37 c and never go over 52 c on full game load at high settings .

My temps :

This is with watching youtube on chrome with 4 5 tabs open doing some other stuff.
I haven't seen my CPU temps go below 35, ever.

I have all fans running max with side panel open.

Thanks for the answers btw. I appreciate it.

this is my post. youre temperature are high because you have a 7700k. It is simply the kaby lakes. 7700k especially. According to intel they said we should stop overclocking their chips but as long as its below 100C they wouldn't worry about it.

The only thing that has been reported that help is delidding the processor and reapplying paste inside the lid. Supposedly reduces temps by average of 20C degrees. Other than that...bigger coolers. More high end coolers.

edit: to me it was suggested to use kraken x62 or one of the corsairs h100i, 105, 110s. My case doesn't fit a dual fan aio. So I can really only go with a single aio if i go in that direction. Probably will go with h80i v2 if i go with the new cooler. going to try and speeding up my fans today.
Update on the situation :

I removed the OC profile. Back to stock turbo @ 4.5 ghz. Speedstep and cstate disabled.
Disabled XMP and set the memory speed to 2400 mhz, timings at auto.
Voltage at auto.

Now Cpu sits around 58-69 while playing BF. 64 is the average I'd say. Saw 71 only a couple of times at very intense maps.

GPU temp also went down to 64-65 from 68-69.

Idle temps around 29-34, which was 35-39 before.

Haven't lost much fps. IF I had, it is barely noticable.


Not yet. I'll get paid in a week or so, only then I can buy some new stuff. Which will likely include a new case, 3 new case fans, and extra pair of ram kit(same as mine) and a new CPU cooler.

Although I'm happy as things are now. The temps are alot better and I haven't noticed much of a performance change.

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see if my vendor has those.
As for the case, I think my case is a bit too tight and is likely built for lower end systems, with stock cooler, 550 or less PSU and no OC.