CPU running at half speed


Jun 28, 2016
Here is my build:
CPU- AMD FX 6300
MOBO- MSI 970A-G43
GPU- R9 Radeon 380 Strix
RAM- Crucial 8GB
PSU- EVGA 500w

My cpu is only showing a 1400mhz clock speed when it should be 3500mhz. I discovered this while trying to overclock. I ran prime95 stress test and cpu showed 100% usage, but only at 1400mhz. During the stress test the cpu never got above 25celsius. Power management are at 100% Please help me diagnose and fix this problem.

I actually figured it out last night. The cpu voltage in the bios was set too low at 0.8 something and needed to be 1.225 the change fixed it and it's running at 3.5ghz now. For readings I was using core temp and AMD overdrive

I actually figured it out last night. The cpu voltage in the bios was set too low at 0.8 something and needed to be 1.225 the change fixed it and it's running at 3.5ghz now. For readings I was using core temp and AMD overdrive