CPU running too hot on idle?


Aug 17, 2016
Hey! I think my CPU is running quite hot after an upgrade... I forgot to clean the old thermal paste in the processor/heat sink, and I think that's quite the problem :s

Here's a screenshot of my temps. I'm running some apps in thebackground like skype, origin, steam, controller companion, team viewer, fraps, GeForce Experience, and antivirus. Gaming temps go between 60-75C

- Asus P8 B75-M/CSM
- Intel i5 - 3570K 3.4ghz
- 8GB RAM ( CrucialBallistix Sport and Corsair 4x2)
- 1TB Seagate
- Thermaltake V21 Micro ATX Cube

I agree although I am curious as to what cooler you are using on the processor, or if you are just using a stock one? The Ivy Bridge line of processors were known for running hotter. I overclocked an i7-3770k on a custom liquid cooled loop that I built a few years ago and those are the temps I would get when I had it clocked to 4.4GHz.

What is the ambient temperature in the room the computer is in? This can play a bit into it but not much, just something to think about.

Since your case is sorta small I wouldn't worry about it. as that can lead to a quick thermal buildup.

Well, I'm using a cheap aftermarket cooler. Room temp is around 20C. I'll try to clean the CPU/ heat sink just to make sure, max temp while anti virus was scanning hit up to 69C


Eeesh. I don't know about anyone else but a virus scan hardly makes my CPU go above 35-40C but I have always used an after market cooling solution whether it be a larger air cooler or a liquid cooler. An anti-virus scan shouldn't be so intensive to push it that high. Definitely replace the paste and clean the dust from the aluminum fins to see if that helps. If not a Hyper 212 Evo (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1N83YW8246) is by far the best air cooling solution for being only $35. Not sure how it might fit in your smaller case though.

What about this one? I like this type of cooler because of its size. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002RWJGI6/ref=s9_simh_gw_g147_i3_r?ie=UTF8&fpl=fresh&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=&pf_rd_r=PTG5E109TG2WT3858XJ1&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=6aad23bd-3035-4a40-b691-0eefb1a18396&pf_rd_i=desktop

Ran a little of GTA V for testing, temps were up to 84C, I'll clean it up and post the results