CPU Sensor gone?


Jan 31, 2015
I have a AMD phemon xII4 955 and hwmonitor reads 255 when stress testing, it sometimes goes down a bit to like 188 but this can't be right surely? I've also noticed thant the multiplier goes down to 4x. Thanks for any help.
You can use Prime95, but there are also plenty of other good stressors. Lately I have been using ASUS Realbench.

Your motherboard is pretty weak so keep an eye on those VRMs. If they get so hot that they burn you to touch them then you should dial it back a bit or add some small heatsinks and point a fan at them. Often the board will burn up before the CPU when overclocking.

Thanks for the fast reply! What do you mean by disable ACC/UCC?

Right so the drop isn't anything to worry about?

I just checked my motherboard mannel and I couldn't find anything relateing to what you said.

Also I just read the thread you linked and i think I should mention that I've been using and overdrive to they to manage the temps, but the thermal margin on that even reads something stupid like -180 or something like that.

Thanks again.

Right then, so how would I disable them both?

Alright then I'll try clearing my CMOS in the morning and let you know if that works.

Thanks for the help man!

Well ive reset the CMOS did a stress test on the standard mltiplier, it ran fine for about 8mins then the thermal margin on amd overdrive shot to -108 so im guessing ill have to stick with the socket reading as that is fine?

Yea but I would like to over clock and have asked around and people have been saying its not wise to OC by just monitoring socket temps?

And if I bought a infrared theometer then if have to open just case each time I wanted to check the temp so can't be asked with that aha. Thanks for the suggestion though.

I understand your fustration. The same thing happens to the Tctl signal when ACC/UCC is enabled so when I unlocked cores on a Phenom II 550 I was flying blind while overclocking (socket temp is not so accurate at load).

A cheap IR thermometer costs about $15-20. Honestly that CPU is so old I wouldn't bother buying one. I'd just go ahead and clock away full speed ahead 4GHz.

Do you have a solid motherboard, PSU, and cooler for this overclock? I've OC'd a 955 and other AM3 CPUs so I can advise you on that.


Sweet so put it to x20 and run a blend test on prime 95 for a couple of hours and see how that works? It is so frustrating that I can't get a reading though and I'm glad I can share my experience with someone that's been through it as well haha.

I've got a MSI 7641MB, corsiar h60i CPU water cooler, 2 cooler master fans (new model can't remebr what number),a bitfeenix stock ffan. And have recently cable managed my PC so hopefully good air flow.

Thanks so much for all your help dude, honestly you've been great!
You can use Prime95, but there are also plenty of other good stressors. Lately I have been using ASUS Realbench.

Your motherboard is pretty weak so keep an eye on those VRMs. If they get so hot that they burn you to touch them then you should dial it back a bit or add some small heatsinks and point a fan at them. Often the board will burn up before the CPU when overclocking.