CPU shutdown from temperature>?


Apr 12, 2015
The screen freezes and makes a zzzzzzzzzzzzrzrzrzrzrzrzzrrzzzzzzzzzrrrrrrrrr
Buzzer kind of noise..

What is that.. The graphics card? The CPU core..
I have no idea.

■ Maybe you ram is in trouble.
Try to install your ram in another slot on mb or try another ram.
Also try to turn on pc without graphic card.

And please tell us your pc speces to help you more easily.
Is the sound coming from the speakers or the PC itself? The internal component most likely to make loud hissing noises and cause crashes/instability would be the PSU. Some GPUs, sometimes in conjunction with specific PSUs, also have issues with noisy VRMs.
The little system speaker is connected to the motherboard. Which tells the errors about pc components.
I can't tell you solution quickly. You need to check every component to solve this problem. Try another PSU. Another components. Figure out why this sound coming.

Ok Ill try the ram in another slot.. It is in the recommended slot.

AMD FX9590
Gigabyte g1 gaming am3+
amd fury gpu

I think it is the GPU.
The sound is going through my speakers.. not a speaker on the motherboard.

I got msi afterburner and got the fans to cut in earlier.. see how it goes.
Brand new PSU