CPU spikes every 30 seconds


Jul 27, 2016
Whenever I use any of the processes, like watch a video, do some editing in Photoshop, the mouse falters, sound screeches and CPU spikes. I have seen some earlier threads with same issue but no solution.
I opened the task manager and the spike seems to be coming from Service Host: Network Service.

Please help!
What version of windows are you currently using?
In many of the cases, the main reason for cpu spikes is the amount of startup applications.
If you're using win 7 or 8 - Search --> msconfig
if you're using win 10, you have to disable unwanted apps via the task manager.
And what Anti-V guard are you currently using?
What version of windows are you currently using?
In many of the cases, the main reason for cpu spikes is the amount of startup applications.
If you're using win 7 or 8 - Search --> msconfig
if you're using win 10, you have to disable unwanted apps via the task manager.
And what Anti-V guard are you currently using?