cpu stuttering or?


May 6, 2014
I'm playing battlefield 4 maxed out and my gpu temps are 50 - 65C , my fps is usually 60 - 100 in all maps,which is fine for me, but one thing is I get a massive fps drop (20 - 30 fps )for 10 - 15 seconds and then it goes back to normal, all 4 cpu core temps are 70 - 80C,this issue only happens in bf4,why is this happening? I tried cfg files, reinstalling the game, my drivers are up to date,pc is cleaned,ram usage is 5gb usually,no more no less,memory leak? HALPE

Gigabyte GTX 670 2GB
8gb ddr3 1333mhz
i5 2400 3.1 (3.4 turbo) ghz
My only other suggestion would be invest in a better CPU cooler, because 80C is really hot for a CPU, while that's comparably okay for a GPU. What are your GPU temps in BF4? Your GPU throttling could also cause it.
It's happening probably because 70-80C is pretty hot for a CPU, it could be throttling itself to bring temperature back down. You may need to check and make sure your thermal paste was applied correctly (Too much is just as bad as too little. A pea size is considered pretty acceptable).
My only other suggestion would be invest in a better CPU cooler, because 80C is really hot for a CPU, while that's comparably okay for a GPU. What are your GPU temps in BF4? Your GPU throttling could also cause it.
Like he said, CPU is probably too hot. Should hover 50-70 mark max id say. (cooler the better)

Clean your case maybe.

Every couple years or so (or until it gets hot) remove and re-apply the paste. Also... The heatsink fan doesn't last forever. Replace case fans as required.