
Jun 10, 2012
Hello, I just put my computer into a new case. I switched from a cheap coolermaster elite to a nzxt phantom. My cpu would run about 60 degrees under load but upon rebooting it is now running at 90 degrees. I didn't change any hardware and if anything it should be lower with more fans and better airflow. Could it be that the fan controller on the case is keeping the fans too low? I need help
If you didn't do anything other than move the motherboard to a new case then I would assume that you plugged in the fans wrong on the new case or your measuring program is somehow flawed.

If you took the processor heat sink off during the move, then I would think it might be paste related.

Are you sure you have the CPU fan plugged into the port it is supposed to be in? Did you disconnect that cable at all during the move?

Does the new case come with a stand alone fan management system which the CPU fan plugs into, or does the processor fan connect to the motherboard?