CPU temp issue;


Sep 23, 2014
hi all,

i recently installed cpuid hw monitor when i noticed that one day my cpu fan was way too loud, since then im worried about my cpus temps. its a fairly new x4 750k with its stock cooler; now the problem is that the temps in hw monitor and the temps in my bios software for windows are radically different. in my bios software its circa 55 degrees celsius at full load whilst the "cpu package" temp , the only one in hw monitor, peaks at 84 degrees which is abnormal and even critical. the question is which one is the correct one and should i be worried? also i should mention that under temperatures under mobo are the same as the ones in the bios software, those temps are right below the cpus fan measuring in the mobo section. thanks in advance ppl :)
hi and thanks for the answer on such short notice, well according to hw monitor at idle it stays around 52 degrees but it spikes literally everytime i do something on my pc; for example i open up my web browser it spikes at around 68 degrees. if im playing games its constantly around 78 degrees; btw i havent played with my fan speed

edit i will upload a screenshot now

the only thing that bugs me is the package temp, the other temperatures are almost identical to the ones found in bios;

edit 1 also not sure if i should mention this but neither speedfan nor coretemp work on my computer; speedfan dosnt recognize the cpu and coretemps says that the temps are 0 degrees celsius
im not sure if my os has something to do with it; i thought about formatting and installing a fresh os but im not sure if that would do the trick. also my pc never shut down in recent history, or ever as long as i can remember; shouldn't it automatically power off should the temperatures reach levels around 80 degrees celsius?
i didnt think you meant that the cpu is faulty 😀 anyways thanks for the help mate, ill assume that the sensors are just faulty since it never did shut down, and ill also assume that the bios temps are actually correct and if anything happens oh well ill replace the might be damaged parts