If that is your CPU idle temp then it is high. You want to try and get somewhere in the 30's or 40's. Your system temp looks fine so it probably isn't your case, airflow or case fans.
Here are some things you can do:
1) If you're using a stock fan, you may want to purchase an after market cooler. Usually stock fans have thermal pads on the bottom and once you take it off it is nearly ineffective after as the thermal pad has a specific thickness. Get an after market fan and you'll easily drop your cpu temperature.
2) Check your thermal grease. Make sure you have thermal grease in between your heatsink and cpu. If you add too much it will be as effective as barely adding any. You want to use a grain of rice or pea size of thermal grease. Use the dot method as you allow the heatsink and the cpu to do more of the work filling in the grease to microscopic cracks or divots.
Recommended air heatsink and thermal grease:
Heatsink: (Zalman CNPS9900Max)
Thermal Grease: GELID Thermal Grease (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835426020)
Gelid Thermal Grease is the best thermal compound I've ever used. I've used Arctic MX-2, 3, 4, Antec Diamond, Arctic Silver 5... Gelid Thermal Grease is the best.
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