CPU Temperatures (AMD FX-6100)

Tim Henry

Jan 6, 2014
I have been having an issue with my PC freezing up on me, and was trying to figure out if my CPU is causing or contributing to the problem. On idle, the temperature stay around 15-20 celcius. When I'm gaming, (not extreme hardcore gaming) temperatures stay just below 40 celcius. Are those solid CPU temps? Please help if you can, I will leave a link to the post about my PC freezing.

Link to the PC freezing post:

I would very much appreciate your feedback.

If you can't help, then spread this around and ask someone who you think will be able to help!

CPU: AMD FX-6100
GPU: GTX 650ti SSC
Motherboard: msi 760GM P23(FX)
Power Supply: Kingwin 650 watt
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Your hardware looks capable. The problem might be malware crawling around in your computer. Try installing Malwarebytes and Spybot and run the full scans. If they don't fix it, at least your computer's more secure from malware threats.
You need to get a more reliable Anti-Virus. Also how much ram do you have? I'm by no means an expert but most freezes I've come across are either software conflicts, new updates, patches, or newly added or installed software etc or a virus/malware etc or the ram is being all used up.

Have you recently installed something or visited a iffy website etc?
What all do you keep opened do you edit video or keep memory hungry programs opened I can't think of anything else that would cause the issue other than low ram which you'd usually get a warning for or a virus/malware. You can get malware from visiting pretty much anything these days on the net, but like I said I'm not expert but I wish you luck on your search for a resolution.
The only memory consuming task I do would be gaming, I used to edit but it was only using windows movie makes and I only did it for a little while. (about 1-2 videos a week for a few months) Thank you for your help sir, I appreciate it! :)