cpu temprature 110+ Degrees?


Jul 29, 2017
Any idea whats causing this and wht would be the best solution?

It gets this high when I try to render a video (at the time of this screenshot, I'm converting in handbrake) & normally It's pretty hot as well.. Upon searching I found that thermal paste might be issue so I ordered some of that.. I also changed my monitor from 19 inch to a really big lcd, Is that causing the issue maybe?

Any chance temp being reported is not correct? (I'd have expected it to literally enter a thermal protective shutdown at 90-100C, frankly...)

I've read only AMD Overdrive gives accurate readings in a few places...
monitor should not be causing the problem, or at least I have never heard of any cpu overheating from using a different monitor. Also what cpu cooler are you using? Make sure it is properly installed and that the thermal paste properly covers nearly all if not all of the processor's heatspreader.
I just turned off PC & reattached my CPU fan (Just to make sure If It was unstable & that was the issue), then tried checking with AMD Overdrive as you guys suggested & here are the results:

Is this good?

While speccy (which one of the article online suggested to use is still 100+ for some reason)

As I said before, I've order thermal paste which I'll apply as soon as It arrives, Am I good for now or is there anything I can do to improve my performance?
Also, I've heard alcohol helps to take off thermal paste from gpu, Is there any good alternative?