CPU temps affected because of my GPU being too close?

Kahlo kahlow

Jun 4, 2015
Title pretty much says it all. In the following picture, it will show you the distance between the GPU and the CPU radiator. The GPU is also back plated.


I would also like to mention that the GPU can reach temperature of up to 70 degrees Celsius. I currently do not have any other case fans to push air inside the case but I am thinking of it but it's also not pushing air directly on the GPU. Would it still have a positive impact on the temperatures?
My CPU temp at idle is around 30 or high 20's. At full load my fans spin at 100% and cap the temperature at 60 degrees. Here's the fans that I am currently using and will add 2 more to put in the front of my pc case : https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAB984BD9468&_ga=1.230790300.2017236471.1488284955

Ok thanks, I jsut wanted to know if there are no work around to minimize as much as possible temperatures because I'm kind of a maniac when it comes to noise level for my PC. The fans are not annoyingly loud by any means when running these temps, just like to keep it whisper quiet.

If you want quieter fans, you need either bigger or more expensive high quality ones.