CPU temps jumping to 95C+ in seconds when launching game.


Apr 4, 2017
So recently I've noticed that when launching PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, my cpu (i5 4670K) temperature will increase from its idle temp (30C~40C) to temperatures close to 100 in literally seconds.
I did some testing of this using HWinfo, playing a few rounds of the game then quitting and returning to windows, finding that after the game has been shut down, the cpu will return to normal idle temps within about a minute.

See here for test

Is this simply the game using too much of the CPU or could it be a hardware problem? I've had my computer for about 5 years and have only noticed this recently. I'm probably going to have it looked at but any ideas are welcome.

What cooler are you using? Maybe better cooler will help.
I have an ID-COOLING Sweden Series SE-903 CPU Cooler, and it is definitely mounted correctly. I know its not an amazing cooler, but this problem has only come up recently.