I5 4690k not oc'd, with an evo 212. My CPU temp ( easily reaching 47c in games old and new, then going towards 60c on stronger games, which is ok, right?) seemed to be doing worse than it used too (don't remember it going higher than 50c in games), or could, so I cleaned dust out of my fans and case, wiped off heatsink and CPU with isopropyl and coffee filters, reapplied thermal mx-4, probably the minimum dot size recommended, and booted up. Temps felt warm, then I went in the Witcher 1, immediately reaching 51c after 10 min, re applied thermal again, assuming I didn't put enough the prior time, putting what could be a little too much but not in a sense of actual good and bad, just well and not well. Booted again, this time checking idle, which came to 40-45c idle, and 50c in iron snout, a game so small, it could probably run on a potato with a screen. What's wrong? I seem to get worse temps each time I clean and apply, but im following the books and q&a sites like this and Reddit. Clean with isopropyl, wipe with something clean andwont leave fiber, apply a small pea (I don't know about everyone else, but I refer to almost a half an actually vegetable pea size) sized amount, seat evo snug but not crushing, yet it gives me the finger. The first time I did probably ever so slightly smaller than this Video, the 2nd time a little more. https://youtu.be/-hNgFNH7zhQ
this is also what I did the first time to my computer when my temps seemed godly well. Question: what is safe, borderline, and bad for idle, and load? what do you consider load? PS. I am willing to hear about how much thermal to apply assuming this video is wrong somehow, but I won't listen to anyone who even utters the word "card", or "spread" when referring to thermal. You're either on the wrong "toms hardware", or you are not a thinker, and never got your feet wet in tech, not that I have my feet very deep either. Sorry for posting this question, but not one of the others was this specific in the description, nor this close to my problem/CPU and fan.
this is also what I did the first time to my computer when my temps seemed godly well. Question: what is safe, borderline, and bad for idle, and load? what do you consider load? PS. I am willing to hear about how much thermal to apply assuming this video is wrong somehow, but I won't listen to anyone who even utters the word "card", or "spread" when referring to thermal. You're either on the wrong "toms hardware", or you are not a thinker, and never got your feet wet in tech, not that I have my feet very deep either. Sorry for posting this question, but not one of the others was this specific in the description, nor this close to my problem/CPU and fan.