CPU Thermal Paste - How to Apply and How Much


Aug 1, 2015
I have a CPU as well as some thermal compound.

I want to apply the thermal compound to the CPU. What is the best method. My tube contains 1g of thermal compound. How much and in what way, should I apply the thermal compound.

My CPU specs: Intel core 2 duo 3.0ghz E8400
I've tried a few different ways. I find the best is to put a very small amount in the center [read a few grains of rice] and then use a credit card to "paint" it on the rest of the cpu. You need just enough to cover the cpu as if you were painting it with a thin coat of paint. Cover all areas right to the edge and stop. Any over spill can be cleaned off using a q-tip and some isopropyl alcohol [at least 50% alcohol].

You got this,


It really does not matter which method you use. I prefer the pea/grain sized method since you use a small amount of thermal paste and you won't have as many air bubbles compared to spreading it across the CPU.