CPU throttle, 1 core temp much higher than the others

Strange?? Maybe a sensor is off, because I am quite sure Intel chips, especially 7700k, shut off if they reach 100C as a safety mechanism. Are you using a stress program during this like prime? Check if your OC is stable

Hey sorry i down voted ur answer i thought i could change my vote but i cant. Yes i was running the Aida64 stability test when i took that picture and yes my OC has been stable for aboub a year. its completely random and i have no idea why its happening.Is it possible that a stable OC just dies after a while? also why just 1 core, wouldn't they all be heating up?

Edit* I tried it with the OC off and still the same results

https://gyazo.com/9ebebdea86597df0f1683e9da7842797 Here is a measurement while gaming (Elite Dangerous if that helps)
https://gyazo.com/564cc78617a846659c913669950e3a6e Here it is at idle
I haven't tried running a scan its been a week since i last did a scan. Il start a scan and post an update when its complete

The results are the same whether i use 1 or 2 programs i just used 2 programs in the screenshot in case one showed something different.
The scan is gonna take a while.. What else could be the problem? Yesterday i tried replacing the thermal compound but it didn't change anything

Scan came back as clean.