Question Cpu throttles to 0.8ghz


Jul 3, 2015
I've been having this problem recently that whenever I play games for like half an hour, my cpu throttles to about 0.8 ghz, and stays that way even after my cpu cools down ,while it goes back to its original clock after closing the game by 5 minutes or so . I've tried throttlestop to detect whats the reason for it as well as undervolted my cpu, and while my temps are kind of high while playing (85~89C), throttlestop says that the limit reason is "GPU POWER" in red while "CORE POWER" is in yellow along with "EDP CURRENT" on cpu,gpu and ring. Any idea how i can prevent my cpu from throttling? and would underclocking/disabling turboboost stop the throttling?

Specs: i7-4610m @3.0GHz
Radeon HD 8790m 2GB
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With Intel's XTU,you might get a little more flexibility with core voltage (minor undervolt possible with a slight negative offset, feasibly), or, reduced single/all-core turbos (if default is 3.2 GHz single/3.0 GHz multi, try a 100 MHz reduction and retest...)

Some laptops (not saying yours applies) are simply inadequately thermally cooled for sustained gaming sessions, sadly enough
I tried playing using only the integrated gpu and I didnt experience drastic throttling and my cpu only throttled to its original state at worst (3GHz instead of 3.6GHz turbo boost) and that was most likely thermal throttling considering it went as up to 91C. Could that mean that the problem is from my dedicated gpu?