CPU too hot?


Dec 29, 2013
I recently bought a Intel I7-6800k, and a new cooler (Corsair Hydro Series H110i).
However I find the CPU to get unusually hot, at a OC of only 4,2GHz (only and only) the CPU reaches a max temp of 78C (1,280V). When i tried to take it to 4,3GHz, it reached a max temp of 94C (1,340V). I did not change the thermal paste that was on the cooler. Please halp :)
If you need more information please say so!

Yeah, looks like it runs quite hot, so I guess its just that. Keeping it at 4,2 though. Prime95 kept it at around 80C, and for the whole CPU to be used at once rarly happens. Thanks for the answer anyways!
Not all chips have the same oc limits.
At idle, I would expect 10-15c. over ambient if your cooler is mounted well.

What is your case?

Does your radiator get sufficient fresh air to do the job?
If you mounted it as intake from the outside, that is best for cpu cooling, but not so good for graphics cooling.

At idle I have around 20-30C, most of the time over 30C, but that's couse I run a lot of stuff at once.
My case is a Corsair Carbide 330R, and I use the radiator on top of the case as exhaust. And I knew i would need to supply it with extra air so I have to intake fans in the front, that should be keeping on supplied.

It's not one of the biggest cases, however if I were to use it as in the front I would have to remove my hard drives cage. I may buy a new case soon, and look for a better solution there.
The later version of prime 95 push the avx instruction set which overinflates temps drastically on Intel chips.
Use aida 64 or intel burntest as a stress tester & you'll see temps 10c or so less

Up to 90c is fine if you're using a current version of prime95 , under real world loads its going to be far far less than that.

Will do that, thanks!