CPU upgrade advice !!!!


Jul 20, 2015
should i upgrrade my cpu right now which is a crappy amd a10 6700 to a better fx 6300 or fx 8320 or wait for the new zen cpus which are suppose to be launched sometime next year.
I really need a new cpu cause the one right now has terrible performance in the games i play which are league of legends and csgo where both i get frame spikes from 100+ down to 20fps and back up every few minutes. The cpu usage is quite high for normal tasks such as like surfing the web or watching twitch streams. MY gpu right now is a gtx 750 ti 2gb gddr5 which i dont plan on upgrading since I have checked online where it is suppose to run those 2 games with well above 100+ no problems and btw I do not play at max settings for those two games.
if I was going to do all that reinvesting I guess I would just go with a z97 and a haswell refresh chip

you could wait on zen but with AMD's motto of next year when it that going to mak it its like tomorrow is all ways tomorrow everyday ??

then now with the AM3+ it mow a 6 year old platform ?? why buy the past today ??

skylake ? something about it just dont sit right to me and I would just do a tried and true haswell build and skip skylake until what comes next [opinion]


Jul 20, 2015

Thanks for the response but the thing is i want to go for a amd build since it is a ton cheaper but the perfomance wont be the same as intel. Intel is just to pricey for me where i live which is canada the prices for intel cpus are super high as of rightnow even the 4th gens. I thought about getting the am3+ was just so i can get rid of my cpu right now since it is really pissing me off when i start lagging ;(. I thought for a bit about getting a i5 4690k since people say the new i5 is not much better same withe i7 but the price for that is 305$ while on sale in canada and last year at this time on sale was 280$ so the prices are definetely the reason why i want to go with amd
I understand I thought that way myself until I for my first time ever in 15 years went intel to get away from AM3+

seems you do get what you pay for in this case

I went z87 and a i5 4670 - also you could split the diff od i5 /i7 and run a xeon [225-250 $ ]


I cant say moving over to intel was a mistake and a lot happier then I ever was with my last 3 am3+ [opinion] heck I was still using my older 939 and am2 rigs . they seemed to do a better job overall over AM3+. go figure

all you can do is what you feel is best for you

by the way the i5 I got smokes the amd 8350


Jul 20, 2015

ok looking at the perforrmance difference I may look into getting intel i5 4690k cause rright now its boxing week sale in canada and the price went from 315 to 280. What motherboard should i get for this cpu ? got any advice here?

++1 I don't know what these other guys are playing, but I have absolutely no problems with my FX 8370 and Sapphire R9 290 Tri X. Any new game out of the box I'm playing on Ultra settings @ 1080p 60+ FPS. The newest game I ran (Fallout 4) detected my settings and put everything at Ultra - butter smooth performance 60+ FPS. I've also played The Elder Scrolls Online at Ultra with no problems at all (and MMORPGs are known for being CPU intensive). These other guys must really be running some expensive $1000+ GPUs to be running into all the gaming troubles they complain about.


Jul 20, 2015

Thts interesting to know. I honestly very concerned about the price and I now am thinking about a fx 8320 and asus m5a97 le r2.0 for approx. $293 or i5 4690k + Msi z9s krait edition for approx 460$. Looking at the performance the i5 gives which is a few frames here and there should i just drop the i5 and go for fx 8320 since it is $160+ cheaper?

Its important to know that there are different types of gamers out there. There are those who wouldn't ever game on anything other than a console. There are PC gamers who as long as the game launches they are happy. There are PC gamers who overclock and tweak their systems and are able to run even the newest games on Ultra with hardware that others will tell you isn't possible, and there are those gamers who simply buy the brand name, buy the best GPU on the market and have to run every game with Fraps running in the background to ensure themselves that they are gaming far above everyone else. To me, if I can run a new game at 60 FPS + and I have a 1080p monitor with a refresh rate of 60 FPS what does it matter if I'm not gaming @ 120 FPS? Some guys on this forum have monitors that cost more than an entire PC build, have the money and want the overkill performance, more power to them, but those of us on a budget....

I have a FX 8370 (every day overclock 4.5Ghz) and an R9 290 and there isn't a game I can't max out on Ultra and get over 60 FPS @ 1080p. Will an Intel system out benchmark mine? Will it game with higher FPS in most games? Depends largely on the processor (I can outperform a lot of i5s in benchmarks where multiple cores are tested) but i7s will out perform and out benchmark the FX line. So how important is it to you to have high benchmark scores and FPS way in excess of 60 FPS? If you are happy gaming on Ultra 1080p and 60 - 70 FPS I know the FX 8370 and r9 290 can definitely do it. Really a FX 6350 overclocked to 4.5Ghz+ with R9 280X, or R9 290(X), R9 3xx can do it as well. It all depends on what is a good enough gaming experience for you, and what your budget is.

An FX 8320 build that is $120 cheaper than an i5 with DX 12 right around the corner??? I would go for the FX 8320, save your money invest it in a better GPU or a nice gift for the girlfriend / wife, never hurts to get some brownie points from saved money:D


Jul 20, 2015

I 100% agree with you and I am glad there are still people that think that way lol ;). I most likely will go withe the fx then since it is much cheaper comparing the final price including the mobo and cpu. thanks for the advice maybe later when I get a job ( i am 15) then i will invest in a newer cpu.
dude it all about the card - and if its a cpu bound game intel is way faster per core

I assume you do nothing but games on your computer ?? did you look at the pm I sent you

per core amd is so slow - as well the pm I sent is a mulit thread test as well the amd chip has that the i5 don't and still was 100 sec faster [lol]

you get what you pay for .. like I said the 4670 was 205$ the 8350 is like 180 ?? and then you on a 6year old platform now with AM3+ ??

come on get real

I don't know where you pricing all this but the boards I use were each 150 and 205 for the chip is only 355$ where you got 460 from seems rip off

http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100007627 600438202 600491547

even converted to cad its the same money ??

well to each his own - I been down the am#= road 3 times and never satisfied all around and why for my first time ever in 15 years I went over to intel and cant say it was the wrong move and well worth the little extra $ cause it paid off

why buy in to the past today ??



Jul 20, 2015

I am buying all my parts in store at my local NCIX and Canada Computers. Those price were from those two stores. I have never seen in my life that a i5 4690k was below 275 from where i buy my parts.
The i5 is currently 280$ with the mobo that is decent is around 135$ and theres also tax which is 15% which makes the prices even higher at around 480$ maybe even more. The amd build which is the fx 8320 $200 and the mobo which is decent is on sale + MIR is $59 at canadacomputers plus tax is about 300$. Unless I can find a better deal on the i5 there is no way i can get it.



Go with AMD build since it is more affordable.