cpu upgrade for gq laptop


Nov 4, 2013
Older laptop that still performs well. I am looking to upgrade the processor.

I only want to do a simple swap. I don't want to fiddle with bios or chipsets.

What is the fastest cpu I can put in the GQ ZX-5360 as a simple swap?

Thank you. It's been kind of hard finding info about this machine.


I don't have it in front of me, but I can check what's in it tomorrow. Anyway, if I know what's the best I can do, that will answer my question. I'll see what's there tomorrow and compare.

Thanks for the link. I check it out and report back.

Based on that link, looks like the Sempron 3100 (1.8) is going to be the best I can do. I'm pretty sure it's got the 1.6 now, probably 2600 or 2800.

I'll look for confirmation in the morning.

Thanks again.

Anyone else with more info is welcome to chime in.


Okay, I was correct, the current cpu is the Sempron 1.6 2700.

Does anyone know if I can do better than the 1.8 3100? Can I go to the 1.8 3200?

Thanks in advance,
