OK on my amd box I use it daily as a workstation and to play online games (wow) well my 3800x2+ (windsor 65w) is just not cutting it when I am tri and quad logging wow while running firefox in the background with out horrible fps lag. I am using a 3870 to drive two vintage crt monitors (2x 16in at 1024x768) and up to 4 instances of wow in windowed mode (800x600). The cpu is overclocked to the most I can get it while still being stable at 2.45ghz. So what I am asking is which tri or quad core (even first generation phenoem) would be best for a $50 -$75 used cpu and currently looking at a 8250e (65w tri core) so do any of you guys and gals have any input or have a second hand cpu for sale (have paypal and eBay account) for around $50 usd.