I currently have a phenom ii x4 940 oc'd to 3.4ghz but want more performance on games like gta 5 without having to buy a new motherboard (asus m3a87-em). What are some good options?
The best CPU for your motherboard is the Phenom II X6 1090T, which costs $109 on Ebay. But, it is still slower than an Intel i5-2500, which costs $65 on Ebay. I'm sure you could find an LGA 1155 motherboard on Ebay and wind up paying about the same price for much better performance.
The best CPU for your motherboard is the Phenom II X6 1090T, which costs $109 on Ebay. But, it is still slower than an Intel i5-2500, which costs $65 on Ebay. I'm sure you could find an LGA 1155 motherboard on Ebay and wind up paying about the same price for much better performance.