CPU Upgrade help


Feb 16, 2017
Hello I'm planning on upgrading my current CPU which is an i5 4460 (Haswell Refresh) to an i7 4790 (Haswell Refresh) and I found a compatibility chart from Gigabyte for my motherboard and wanted to know will I need to update my BIOS version to support the i7 4790 ? It says Since BIOS version is F4 for both processors does that mean I wont need to update? Any help would be much appreciated.

Yup. Your bios is way ahead of what's needed.
Liberty610 I dont know I've never updated my bios never touched it but I guess Ill have a look and if its 4 or higher I'm sweet to just plug the i7 in and im good
If you don't feel cozy going into the BIOS itself to find the awnser, and you wanna see the BIOS version while using Windows, you could download the free app CPU-Z, install it, open it up, and click 'Mainboard'. Bios version will be under the BIOS section in the middle of that page.

You can get CPU-Z here:

Just make sure you get the 32 or 64bit version based on whatever you are running. I'm assuming it is a newer-ish PC so it will probably be 64bit.
Yeah my PC is new built it last year just doing a CPU upgrade so I can get more out of bigger games like GTA V or Battlefield which are CPU intensive to my knowledge

GTA V is CPU intensive, yes. I am not sure about Battlefield. Never really got into it. What GPU are you running? I have been running GTA V on a NvIdia GTX 1080 8gb card with an Intel i7 6800k at 3440 x 1440 resolution (ultra wide monitor) and I am able to push an average of 60fps. I am not sure what the specs of your new CPU are off the top of my head.
Just downloaded CPU-Z and it says under the Mainboard tab and BIOS section that the version is F9 so I should be good to just upgrade without needing to update my bios

Yup. Your bios is way ahead of what's needed.