CPU Upgrade Issues?


Aug 12, 2014
I am looking to upgrade my current CPU to an Intel Core i7-4790K Haswell Quad-Core 4.0GHz LGA 1150 Desktop Processor BX80646I74790K. I have an ASRock 990FX Extreme3 motherboard and an MSI Twin Frozr 2GD5 graphics card, are all of these compatable and if not, what is? I am using this PC for gaming and so any other suggestions would preferably be gaming oriented products, thanks for any help in advance.
Yeah, you should have no problem running BF4 at high-ish settings at 1080p or lower with that card/CPU combo. Have you OC'ed your FX-6300?
The CCleaner link? Download and install the free version and run it. Have it do the Clean portion first. Then do the Registry portion. If it finds a ton of crap, you may want to repeat.

Is there another processor similar i.e. just as powerful but not requiring a change in motherboards? If not then what is a good motherboard for gaming?

The FX-8350 is your best choice for the AM3+ socket motherboard you have. It's not in the same league as the Intel i7-4790k, but it is about the fastest CPU available for your platform and will keep up any gfx card.
Oh, and it is a whole lot less expensive. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284

Thanks man, will it be able to run BF4 on ultra without any crashes? I have the 6300 or something and it can do it but it will crash after about 20 minutes - 1 hour. More importantly can it stand up to DayZ loading in new areas whilst zooming and not crashing, leaving me vulnerable?
The FX-6300 can run BF4 just as well as the FX-8350 with the right gfx card. It sounds to me like you have other issues. What is the exact make/model of your MSI Twin Frozr 2GD5 graphics card?

If you have crashing issues, it may be software conflicts or registry errors. Give CCleaner a try. Run the Clean and Registry portions both. https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner

How many items do you have in your tray? Too many programs running when Win boots can cause issues too.

this is the graphics card http://www.amazon.co.uk/MSI-R7870-Twin-Frozr-2GD5/dp/B007NG3WRC and what do i do with that link?
Yeah, you should have no problem running BF4 at high-ish settings at 1080p or lower with that card/CPU combo. Have you OC'ed your FX-6300?
The CCleaner link? Download and install the free version and run it. Have it do the Clean portion first. Then do the Registry portion. If it finds a ton of crap, you may want to repeat.

I have no idea how to overclock and I did the 'analyse' portion of cleaner as the clean button said it would remove things from my PC so I clicked that.

The registry was endless and cleaner said I could save 47GB so I clicked clean (the one that removes stuff) and thats going now, what do I do about the registry?
Holy Crap! It sounds like your PC is a mess! I never used CCleaner on one that was that badly corrupted. No wonder you are having problems.

The Registry found an "endless" list of problems?

Maybe you better back out of CCleaner for now make a backup... a disk image to something like a USB drive. That way if anything goes wrong from here, you can always recover with the System Repair Disk it will ask you to make when it's finished with the disk image.

In the mean time, see if anything has improved with the game.

Try and click "Fix All" or whatever that button was in CCleaner.

Well its a bit late for that, I'm English so in a different time zone so I was sleeping while this was sent, I had already done the 'clean' portion - saving me 49GB space - and the 'fix all' button under registry, I made a backup before each of these actions and I'm about to start playing so I'll let you know if it worked.

Glad to hear. You may want to run CCleaner again. Sometimes it finds more junk after an initial run and reboot. If your system is unusually heavily loaded with clock cycle-hogging crap, it's a good idea to re-run both portions again until it comes back clean. Then run it maybe once a week or once a month to keep the system clean. And don't forget to keep your virus pgm updated and running in the background. An occasional defrag (if you're not using a SSD) would help too.

thanks, a) whats a defrag and b) how to i OC my CPU?
Defrag = HDD defragmentation. Not necessary (or advised) if you use a SSD.

Assuming you are talking about your FX-6300...
Easiest way for a person new to OC'ing is to use AMD Overdrive: http://www.techspot.com/downloads/4645-amd-overdrive.html
Start by disabling Turbo Mode, then increase the CPU clock multiplier one click at a time. Run the built-in stress test and see if it is stable. If it is, you can increase the multi some more. Eventually, it will prove unstable and need some more CPU VID (voltage). Take that up a tiny bit and try it again. Beyond that, it gets too involved for a forum chat. But you should be able to get a nice OC with just the multi and a little voltage alone.

When you are happy with the results, take note of them and make the changes in your BIOS so they 'stick' between boots.