CPU upgrade or GPU upgrade?

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May 27, 2012
My System specs:
Pentium dual core E5300@2.6GHz
3 GB ddr2
GTX 285
Corsair GS700 700W

My options:
Upgrade to Core i7 2600k+8GB corsair vengeance+1155 Motherboard
Keeping GTX285
Upgrade to GTX680
keeping the entire system

I cant afford both now,i think the GTX 285 is still powerful except it has only 1GB memory(hwcompare.com)

so please suggest me an option and if the first is better suggest me an motherboard too
Thanks in advance
Here's the best option for you: divide the money.
It makes no sense getting a i7 2600k and keep the gtx285 just as it makes no sense getting a gtx680 and keep the rest.
It is much better to upgrade everything. You will get a better result. How much can you spend?

Decent quality mobo.

GA-Z77X-UD3H LGA 1155 Z77 ATX Intel Motherboard

Your Price: $149.99
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I recommend CORSAIR Vengeance 99% of the time, quality RAM and low profile with XMP profile. And if u will get an aftermarket CPU cooler, low profile is the worry free remedy with perfect fit with any large cooler.
CORSAIR Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233186Vengeance Low Profile heat spreaders have a reduced height of 1.03" (26.25mm). They're designed for high-performance systems with extra-large CPU coolers, small form factor system builds, or any other space-constrained application where standard Vengeance memory might not fit.


i am from India so newegg is out of my reach and for 2500k i need to spend about $280
my GPU current status http://www.hwcompare.com/12579/geforce-gtx-285-1gb-vs-geforce-gtx-670/
my cpu current status http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Pentium+Dual-Core+E5300+%40+2.60GHz

I dont know much about PCs
i have 2*4GB corsair vengeance 1600mhz but it wouldnot fit to my current mobo(DG41RQ)
That's why i planned to buy a good cpu first and later a GPU
please check ebay.in for my budget in INR40000

then tell me CPU+GPU Upgrade or CPU first

OK, I would go for the CPU + mobo + RAM first.

But the 2500K, not the 2600K.

They are the same for gaming.

Ok iam ready for cpu and my friend forced me for gpu anyway,
which is the best motherboard for it (SLI for future)

Sorry,i already have 8gb corsair vengeance
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