CPU upgrade suggestions


Jan 13, 2016
I'm thinking of upgrading my CPU and would like some suggestions or advice.

Current rig:

CPU: Intel Core i5 4690K
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR3 1600 MHz

I am tempted to buy the Intel Core i7-7700K 4.2 GHz, which is currently selling for only £10 more than the 6700K on Amazon. Would this be a valid upgrade? Will it bottleneck my GPU or will I have to purchase quicker RAM?

Hope you can help, cheers.
^ even with reimbursement, the change would cost abt 300-400 right? that is the price range of the 1070. for 1080p, the that i5 is more than enough for now. and the 1070 would give u 120+ fps in any game easy

I imagined so. My current motherboard is a standard MSI Z97 PC Mate, so I am open to upgrading that as well as the RAM if you have any suggestions. And if I do make those upgrades, do you think my graphics card would still be a good pairing?

I know the i5 is still holding its own right now and I am also overclocking. But an upgrade is still very tempting as I game competitively and I value performance. Also I have a friend I can sell my old parts to which will reimburse some of the cost

Thanks for the suggestion. I just assumed my i5 would bottleneck a 1070 but it appears not. The only problem I might have is that I play a lot of Overwatch which seems to be a very CPU reliant game, but I'll look further into this. Cheers.