CPU Upgrade vs GPU Upgrade


Nov 16, 2015
Hi guys! So first of all, i'd like to say that i'm brazilian, and prices are a bit different here.

So, next year here in Brazil, electronic prices will rise(R.I.P), so, i'd like to buy new hardware now, that I have the chance.
Here is my current config: I5 3470, GA-Z77M-D3H, 16Gb RAM, 970 Strix, XFX XRT 750w, 128gb ssd, 1tb HD, Corsair 500R. I play on a 1080p 144hz monitor(BenQ XL2430T), and i'd like to know which option would be the best for me, to maximize my FPS and utilize the full potential of my 144hz monitor.

Option 1: Sell my current CPU+Mobo and buy Unlocked ones(i5 4670k/4690k, I dont think i'll need an i7) and in the future buy the new Pascal NVIDIA Gpu's/AMD new Gpu's

Option 2: Sell my current GPU, and buy a 980/R9 390x/R9 390

As for the prices here in Brazil:

Gtx 980 - 650U$
R9 390 - 550U$
R9 390x - 580U$

Of course there are some end of year sales where 980 prices drop to ~580U$, and R9 390x prices drop to ~ 540U$

I current play: CS:GO, League of Legends, The Witcher 3, GTA V, Skyrim(with graph mods), Assassins Creed: Syndicate and occasionally Battlefield 4 and SW: Battlefront.

What do you guys recommend me?

Thanks! And sorry for any english mistakes =p
Your CPU is excellent - there is no need to replace it as it ranks highly here http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/cpu-hierarchy,review-33355.html

For your GPU it depends on your case and motherboard tbh - unless you find a absolute bargain, 2 cards in SLI/Crossfire beats the same price in a single card, just make sure the two cards are the same to limit any problems and you should be fine.

I would suggest getting another SSD just for your games - will improve the speed in which your game loads and if you play in ultra high resolution, it will help with draw distances and the like for Witcher 3 and Skyrim.
You definitely need more gpu power. I would recommend getting a second gtx 970 if possible as even a gtx 980 would not be much better than 970 at giving you the full 144hz. A 980ti would be able to do it as well, but I would imagine the card is super expensive in your country.

I wouldn't like to SLI, because lots of ppl say that causes micro stuttering and some other problems. A 980ti here is 1000U$ ='(


Hmm.., The problem I see is the extra power consumption and extra heat generated on my case

Your CPU is excellent - there is no need to replace it as it ranks highly here http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/cpu-hierarchy,review-33355.html

For your GPU it depends on your case and motherboard tbh - unless you find a absolute bargain, 2 cards in SLI/Crossfire beats the same price in a single card, just make sure the two cards are the same to limit any problems and you should be fine.

I would suggest getting another SSD just for your games - will improve the speed in which your game loads and if you play in ultra high resolution, it will help with draw distances and the like for Witcher 3 and Skyrim.