[SOLVED] Cpu Usage 100% help please!

Jul 4, 2018
Hello! When I play Witcher 3 or cs go or any other games my cpu goes to 100-99%, my gpu at max 60-65% please help me fix the issue.... i5 4460 gtx 980 ... i overclocked it...
I suspect your cooler has come loose or was not mounted well.
Idle temperature should be 10-15c. over ambient.

If it is the intel stock cooler,

----------------how to mount the stock Intel cooler--------------

The stock Intel cooler can be tricky to install.
A poor installation will result in higher cpu temperatures.
If properly mounted, you should expect temperatures at idle to be 10-15c. over ambient.

To mount the Intel stock cooler properly, place the motherboard on top of the foam or cardboard backing that was packed with the motherboard.
The stock cooler will come with paste pre applied, it looks like three grey strips.
The 4 push pins should come in the proper position for installation, that is with the pins rotated in the...
i currently play cs go at 1280x1024 but i play witcher with 1920x1080 and i get 60-65fps at ultra

Playing cs go at 1280x1024 is just too easy for your gpu. You can increase your cs:go resolution to 1080p to increase gpu usage but you will still be limited by your cpu. As long as you are getting satisfactory FPS then it doesn’t matter, your only option to reduce the cpu limitation is a cpu upgrade.
But if i play GPU intensive games it shouldn't be problem ?


Depends on the game. Witcher 3 is fairly gpu intensive but it is also cpu intensive.
30-50% of the cpu in the task manager, and it says the load of cpu is 44%~ but in msi afterburner benchmarks it says 100% CPU

lets say pubg? or rust?


update to the latest msi afterburner, it's interesting how the numbers this much off.could i t be possible that you are looking at the usage for 1 of the 4 cores in msi afterburner?
all of my cpu cores 100-98c and around 60%... and my cs go uses only 880mb of memory

how so

There is always a limiting factor in any game.
Sometimes cpu, sometimes gpu and it will be different for different games.
Be careful how you interpret task manager cpu utilizations.
Windows will spread the activity of a single thread over all available threads.
So, if you had a game that was single threaded and cpu bound, it would show up on a quad core processor as 25%
utilization across all 4 threads.
leading you to think your bottleneck was elsewhere.
It turns our that few games can usefully use more than 2-3 threads.
How can you tell how well threaded your games or apps are?
One way is to disable one thread and see how you do.

You can do this in the windows msconfig boot advanced options option.
You will need to reboot for the change to take effect. Set the number of processors to less than you have.
This will tell you how sensitive your games are to the benefits of many threads.
If you see little difference, it tells you that you will not benefit from more cores.
Likely, a better clock rate will be more important.

A Intel cpu will slow down or shut off if it detects a dangerous temperature.
That is around 100c.

Possibly your problems are from overheating.

Check your cooler mount.
This guide might help:
----------------how to mount the stock Intel cooler--------------

The stock Intel cooler can be tricky to install.
A poor installation will result in higher cpu temperatures.
If properly mounted, you should expect temperatures at idle to be 10-15c. over ambient.

To mount the Intel stock cooler properly, place the motherboard on top of the foam or cardboard backing that was packed with the motherboard.
The stock cooler will come with paste pre applied, it looks like three grey strips.
The 4 push pins should come in the proper position for installation, that is with the pins rotated in the opposite direction of the arrow,(clockwise)
and pulled up as far as they can go.
Take the time to play with the pushpin mechanism until you know how they work.

Orient the 4 pins so that they are exactly over the motherboard holes.
If one is out of place, you will damage the pins which are delicate.
Push down on a DIAGONAL pair of pins at the same time. Then the other pair.

When you push down on the top black pins, it expands the white plastic pins to fix the cooler in place.

If you do them one at a time, you will not get the cooler on straight.
Lastly, look at the back of the motherboard to verify that all 4 pins are equally through the motherboard, and that the cooler is on firmly.
This last step must be done, which is why the motherboard should be out of the case to do the job. Or you need a case with a opening that lets you see the pins.
It is possible to mount the cooler with the motherboard mounted in the case, but you can then never be certain that the push pins are inserted properly
unless you can verify that the pins are through the motherboard and locked.

If you should need to remove the cooler, turn the pins counter clockwise to unlock them.
You will need to clean off the old paste and reapply new if you ever take the cooler off.

You CPU at idle isn't doing much so it isn't going to generate much heat, making your CPU do work causes heat.

Your cooling solution must be able to remove the heat before the CPU starts throttling. The cooler must be properly attached in order for it to be able to do its job. Address the cooler and you should be squared away.

I doubt your idle temperature is truly 20c.
20c. is cold room temperature.
No cooler will be 100% efficient, I think you may be looking at an incorrect measurement

If you actually reach 100c, and that is a true temperature, your cpu should be in the process of throttling or shutting down..

now my cpu is reaching 100% AT IDLE!
Question from daiva.kirpeja : "CPU overheating 100%!!"

But theres a thing.... I reinstalled Windows and now my cpu is 6,7% it reaches even 1, but in games in gets to 100% (atleast before) GTX 980 i5 4460
Check your Power Settings in Windows.. for months my CPU was running at 100%, and then remembered I had prev set the power settings to battery saver mode. I have since changed it to High performance now it runs great
I suspect your cooler has come loose or was not mounted well.
Idle temperature should be 10-15c. over ambient.

If it is the intel stock cooler,

----------------how to mount the stock Intel cooler--------------

The stock Intel cooler can be tricky to install.
A poor installation will result in higher cpu temperatures.
If properly mounted, you should expect temperatures at idle to be 10-15c. over ambient.

To mount the Intel stock cooler properly, place the motherboard on top of the foam or cardboard backing that was packed with the motherboard.
The stock cooler will come with paste pre applied, it looks like three grey strips.
The 4 push pins should come in the proper position for installation, that is with the pins rotated in the opposite direction of the arrow,(clockwise)
and pulled up as far as they can go.
Take the time to play with the pushpin mechanism until you know how they work.

Orient the 4 pins so that they are exactly over the motherboard holes.
If one is out of place, you will damage the pins which are delicate.
Push down on a DIAGONAL pair of pins at the same time. Then the other pair.

When you push down on the top black pins, it expands the white plastic pins to fix the cooler in place.

If you do them one at a time, you will not get the cooler on straight.
Lastly, look at the back of the motherboard to verify that all 4 pins are equally through the motherboard, and that the cooler is on firmly.
This last step must be done, which is why the motherboard should be out of the case to do the job. Or you need a case with a opening that lets you see the pins.
It is possible to mount the cooler with the motherboard mounted in the case, but you can then never be certain that the push pins are inserted properly
unless you can verify that the pins are through the motherboard and locked.

If you should need to remove the cooler, turn the pins counter clockwise to unlock them.
You will need to clean off the old paste and reapply new if you ever take the cooler off.
Clean off old paste with alcohol and a lint free paper like a coffee filter.
