CPu usage at 50%+ percent when idle,tried closing some processes but another one replaces to hog cpu

Nov 15, 2018
Hello guys,

about the title, my Cpu usage is always at 50%+ when idle and when i open some programs like chrome it jumps to 90-100% and there is a noticeable stutter and slight freezing, so i looked at the task manager and i noticed there are two nvvsvc.exe running that hogs the cpu, i tried closing them but then another process will hog the cpu in their place, i also tried closing those new processes that hogs the cpu (which are windows processes according to google) but then another process replaces them too. any ideas guys?
Nov 15, 2018
UserBenchmarks: Game 14%, Desk 29%, Work 19%
CPU: Intel Core i3 550 - 30.1%
GPU: Nvidia GTX 550 Ti - 8.7%
HDD: Samsung HD322GI 320GB - 21.1%
RAM: Unknown HMT325U6EFR8C-PB HMT125U6TFR8C-H9 HMT125U6TFR8C-H9 Elpida EBJ20UF8BCF0-DJ-F 8GB - 28%

here are the results
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