CPU Usage Question


Jul 24, 2015
First posted on Memory section of this forum cause my RAM was reporting 8gigs installed (3.99 usable). Nothing worked and then it seemed likely I may have a bent pin or pins on my CPU. That actually seems more likely since my first attempt to install a CPU ended up with a few bent pins.

I notice while my pc is rendering video to my 42" screen, I scroll down a webpage on my 32" monitor and the video on the 42" gets real choppy which it should NEVER DO. My computer is plenty strong enough to do a lot of things with no problems.

So I ran Task Manager>Performance so I can see what happens to the RAM when I scroll down webpage and render video. It only uses 50% of the usable RAM so THAT can't be it. Then I notice the CPU is going up to 99% when I scroll down webpage, which is when the video gets real choppy.

What's weird is this pc has been up for about 2 weeks now and never did this stuff before. If it were caused by bent pins on the CPU it would have happened day one but it ran perfectly day one. Ideas?
Which browser are you using? Try switching to a different one and doing the same scrolling and/or re-install the one you're using.

For good measure, you can also check temperatures with CPU-Z.

Lastly, which OS are you running and what's your actual hardware setup?
Another question. Should my CPU be rockin 100% usage when the ONLY thing I am doing is opening Waterfox browser???

AMD FX-8350
ASUS Sabertooth Mobo
8gigs(3.99 usable) RAM
MSI R7 370 w/4gigs RAM
Coolmaster Cooler

I run the 8350 with 4 cores open (don't see the need for all 8). I do NO overclocking.
Brand new rig as of a week or so ago. Everything is the latest and the greatest. Weird as this seems to a progressive problem. I'm thinking maybe the pressure of the aftermarket cooler along with the heat of the pc is causing pin "bending" problems.
Just remembered.....all of my builds I use NO PAGEFILE. Never liked using my slower HDs for memory especially when I alway install a ton of RAM and rarely need a pagefile. Seeing my current problem I reinstated the pagefile system. I installed up to 4gigs of VM on my SSD. Restarted and yes I still have the same problem.

VM is not the same as actual sticks of RAM but, considering these results is it safe to say adding more RAM to my system will most likely not solve my problem???

When I leave for work in 2 hours, I am going to go in and unscrew the screws holding my Coolmaster Cooler slightly with the hopes of relieving the pressure being placed on the CPU.
Check this out......

I really am coming down to the fact that this probably is a bent CPU pin/pins and the heavy Coolmaster Cooler 212 evo is probably the reason.

If you don't know the large aftermarket cooler I use uses spring loaded screws. The springs are there to maintain a constant, acceptable pressure when screwed all the way in. I figured I MAY be able to alleviate that pressure by unscrewing each screw 3 turns each.....which I did.

DEFINITELY a noticeable difference!!! STILL got 3.99 unusable RAM but two things I noticed right away. PC banged around noticeably faster looking for files. Played a TV show in VLC player, then began to surf the net which usually causes choppy video play. Still had an effect on video but MUCH, MUCH less of an effect. Common sense says if I go in a unscrew a little more....just might get even better.
OMG....I did it again and again it cut down noticeably the choppiness of the video. Still showing 4gigs outta 8gigs unusable but CLEARLY the problem is with the CPU. As I unscrewed the spring loaded screws the video got better and better (less choppy). If I had to guess.....

I bought the Coolmaster 212 when it first came out 5 years ago. Obviously they don't know how it handles 5 years down the road cause it's so new. I think after 5 years of being constantly under pressure AND constantly subjected to 100+ degrees of heat that the springs are giving way more weight unto the CPU then it should. Rig ran perfect 2 weeks ago when I first got it up. All the RAM got reported and everything. There a smaller cooler called CRYORIG H7 that everyone says is as good if not better than CM 212. It's smaller and does NOT require spring loaded screws to install so I think I'm getting one of those. When it arrives I will then pop off the CPU, bend back any pins and install new cooler.

Any thoughts on the new hypothesis????