CPU Voltage Issue

Oct 15, 2018
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.20 GHz
MB: Gigabyte GA 880GM-UD2H
OS: Windows 10 64
PSU: Corsair VS550W
HDD: Seagate ST2000DM001 2TB

I was trying to lower my CPU Voltage so I changed it from 1.4 to 1.3 to see if it would lower my CPU Temps but instead it was lagging the hell out of my computer so I put the settings back to default in my BIOS and now it's still lagging... not sure whats going on?

This is tthe HWINFO on it:

The CPU Status VID fluctuates from 1.4000 to 1.0250

CPU is now on constant 100% Usage... whats going on?
You need a new CPU, and possibly motherboard, but CPU for sure. You cannot have any bent pins, and if it's been running this way for even a few minutes or hours, it's likely done. There are really very few non-critical pins on a CPU although there are a couple of redundant power and ground pins. If you cannot completely straighten the pins, or if the problem doesn't go away, you need to replace the CPU and sooner would be better than later.
Pull the cmos battery from the motherboard for five minutes, with the power unplugged from either the wall or the power supply. Then, put the cmos battery back, plug power back in and boot. Go into bios and select optimal default or default settings, save settings, exit bios.

Also, you're using HWinfo wrong. When you start HWinfo, select "Sensors only", and ONLY sensors only. All relevant information will be displayed on the sensors screen and there will be a lot more information, if you scroll up and down, than what you are getting in that summary window.

For example. This is my HWinfo sensors window. Keep in mind, mine is highly customized with about two full pages of sensor data hidden as these are the only sensors I want to see. Storage drive, graphics card and much other data isn't there like it will be on a stock HWinfo window. Ignore the red box, that was there for another thread.


Thanks for the reply,

Think my CPU is screwed though... Seems like I put too much thermal paste on, it was stuck to the heat sink and a few pins were bent... Not sure if I can save it now but this is the HWINFO:


Whenever I move my mouse the CPU Usage goes to 100%

Thanks for the reply,

Think my CPU is screwed though... Seems like I put too much thermal paste on, it was stuck to the heat sink and a few pins were bent... Not sure if I can save it now but this is the HWINFO:



Whenever I move my mouse the CPU Usage goes to 100% and it seems it fluctuates from 1.025 to 1.400

There are two bent pins which i tried correcting by putting them back straight but they are still a bit bent.. CPU is at constant 79 temp and PC shuts off after around 5 mins of use
You need a new CPU, and possibly motherboard, but CPU for sure. You cannot have any bent pins, and if it's been running this way for even a few minutes or hours, it's likely done. There are really very few non-critical pins on a CPU although there are a couple of redundant power and ground pins. If you cannot completely straighten the pins, or if the problem doesn't go away, you need to replace the CPU and sooner would be better than later.