CPU vs GPU for 1280X1024 Monitor..


Aug 28, 2011
my monitor resolution is 1280X1024..
so for this resolution which will fit best..
i3 2100 + asus p8h61 + ati 6850
i5 2400 + asus p8h67 m-le + ati 5670(which i already have)

i have heard that for lower resolution CPU should be better wrt GPU.
is it true??

please reply as soon as possible..
For recommendations, need more food, opps info.
Is your primary concern gaming. What other usages are you planning, ie video editting? What is max budget??

CPU: 2100 Vs 2400
2 cores/ threads 2/4 vs 4/4 $ cores def better
2.93 GHz NO turbo vs 3.1, turbo 3.4. With turbo 17% higher, just above noticable
Both use the HD2000 igp
Performance of SB procs: http://www.legitreviews.com/article/1501/4/
Also see: http://www.anandtech.com/show/4083/the-sandy-bridge-review-intel-core-i7-2600k-i5-2500k-core-i3-2100-tested/2

GPU - No Comparision, the 6850. The 5670 is a low end GPU.

Now the unknown problem Money and choice. Budget would help.
Immediate usage, the i3-2100 w/6850 = much better gaming based on your choices.

My recommendations are (Based on keeping system 3 - 5 Yrs:
MB - Go with the Z68. Several real advantages.
.. On MB Lowest cost I would recommend ($120): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157252

CPU - go with the I3-2100 and a year from now upgrade to the I5-2500k
..I3-2100 - $125, I5-2400 - $190, I5-2500k - $220 SO Cost winner I3. I5-2400 only $30 Cheaper than I5-2500k So NOT Recommended.

GPU - go with the 6850
.. If you can afford the Z68 and a I5-2500k and use the 5670 for a few monthes then but the 6840 That would be the Best Option.
Yes he can Upgrade next year to IB, at a significant increase in $$$, And that only provides a boost to cpu performance. Not cost effective comparing an I5-2500k to the LOWEST cost IB CPU. Yes it looks Like a great performance boost if you move up tp a $500 IB CPU. Currently IB is aimed at the higher budget market, will probabaly drop in cost a year or two after launch and when the next lastest/greatest CPU is coming out (may also be impacted on AMDs BD). And in the mean time he could be enjoying a new system. As the Saying goes if bears had wings they could fly.

Adding to my previous post on MBs
Comparision of Low end H61, H67, Z68 ($88 -> $113 -> $128)
H61 Not recommended, No Sata III ports for Future use. Only $15 diff between The H67 and the Z68. Z68 is more cost effective.
Ref: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Productcompare.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007627%20600093976%20600158412%204017&IsNodeId=1&bop=And&CompareItemList=280%7C13-131-716%5E13-131-716-TS%2C13-131-712%5E13-131-712-TS%2C13-157-251%5E13-157-251-TS
Ivy bridge will not use H61/67 or P67 or Z68 chipset...
ivy bridge will be 1155 socket but there will be different chipset. see this
soo i'm just thinking to put i3 2100 for a year and then change to ivy or other.. and as i can use my gpu. so i3 2100 + ati 6850 might be good choice..
my friend have i3 2100 + ati 5670 and he can play Call of Duty: Black Ops with max setting. ( no AA or AF ) (monitor @ 1280X1024)

ASUS P8H61 PRO have both usb 3.0 and sata 3.0
suneetk92 Orginal post did not indicate "Pro" so just picked generic.
Looking at the spec for the Pro MB I do not see "Support for IB"

Granted you will be able to upgrad to 2nd Gen I5/i7 CPU a year from now, but tha also means that The money spent today is wasted. Although buying even a new computer is pocket change to me, I just hate buying anthing that cost $100 and only use for a year.

I stand by my recommendation for a Z68 MB. It may not be your best option as I'm not you. But for Most it would be.

As to gaming on the 5670, not a gamer. If a game is weighted toward CPU it should be fine. But as a gaming card it is considered a LOW end card. My GPU is the 6870 and definatly overkill as I'm not a gamer.

Sorry. i cant understand ""Looking at the spec for the Pro MB I do not see "Support for IB"""
looking at this it says H61 can have IB..
can you please check it.. :)
I had forgot that the G series CPUs were IB. But that would not really be much of an upgrade from the i3-2100. I think a I5-2500k would kick its butt performance wise.
the 3xxx series IB will be the "new" speed Kings
Ok, yes IB G850 cpus are supported - it's on the CPU support page, but not listed In the specs. The highest end is the G850 and in PCMark7 is performs under the I3-2120
Here is a review of the G series IBs.

CPU Support page for H61 pro: http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Intel_Socket_1155/P8H61_PRO/#CPUS

It's much better to just say suppors IB than to say it supports the low performance budget G-series IB CPUs - My Words - LOL
Hope that Helps.

ASUS P8Z68 M PRO also support G series only

And where you get this info that G series is IB?
they are 32nm not 22nm..

they are of family sandy bridge... No MB shows CPU support for IB. they will be supported only after bios update.. So they cant show CPU support now..

If m wrong at any point.. let me know..

My Bad you are correct!!!
G-series is SANDY BRIDGE, I misread the title.

On support of Ivybridge with current 6-series MBs (P/H6x and Z68).
Concur that the x6x series MAY support IV with a Bios update. Possible problems and at mercy of MB manuf.
The opposite should also be true, but VR-Zone states that older LGA 1155 6-series motherboards could have problems when paired with the upcoming Sandy Bridge processors.

These could be caused by the fact that Intel won't release its cross compatibility guidelines until sometime later this quarter, although the Santa Clara based company is doing its best to speed things up and solve this issue.
End Quote
Ref: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Intel-LGA-1155-Sandy-Bridge-Motherboards-Confirmed-to-Be-Compatible-with-Ivy-Bridge-CPUs-185047.shtml
.. While the current x6x series may support the IV, they will not support some of the feaures that will be included with the x77 series such as sound and native USB3 support.
Also See: http://www.guru3d.com/news/intel-7series-ivy-bridge-motherboard-chipsets-to-arrive-in-q2-2012/

My thoughts are that if a individual is going to spend $500+ bucks on a CPU they will also go with the x77 MB.


Agree with you.. and so therefore i dont want to spend money on z68 and regret after a year or so..

for now i only want to know if i3 2100 + ati 6850 will be better or i5 2400 + ati 5670
i already have ati 5670..

and as my monitor reso is 1280X1024.. i have heard that at low reso ,cpu should be stronger than GPU..
as my current config : i have c2d E4500 @ 2.2Ghz and i have played FEAR 3, Crysis 2 , Fry Cry 2 ,at default video settings, without any lagging at all.. i only lagged while playing COD black ops and witcher 2.

and my friend have same GPU ati 5670 + i3 2100 .. and he had played all the above games at max reso(no aa or af) without any lagging...

so m thinking with ati 6850 i can play with full aa and af..

so any suggestion for this?
Get the i3-2100 and the HD 6850.

You can see my setup in my sig, and I can run all the games I have tried @ 60+Fps, (F:NV @ 75Fps 8xAA, JC2 @ 60Fps 8xAA)But Crysis, I get around 45 FPs average at Max settings with 8xAA, and games are getting more demanding on the GPU, Crysis 2 and Metro 2033 for example, and i3-2100 and a HD 6850 will get you better results in a games like BFBC2 and BF3 than the i5-2400 and a HD 5670 would.