CPU Won't Run at Stock Clocks


Dec 5, 2014
Greetings everyone,

I own a very old machine which its motherboard died recently and i replaced it with another one
the problem i am having is that my Dual Core CPU cannot run 2.3ghz anymore and goes 1.8 instead

CPU : Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E6550
(4M Cache, 2.33 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)

Motherboard Specifications:
Name : GA-946GMX-S2
More info: http://www.gigabyte.com.gr/products/page/mb/ga-946gmx-s2/specs/

How my bios look :

Frequency/Voltage Control :

This is the weird part if i change 266 to 333 my pc wont boot it starts then shut down i can only
make it work if i reset CMOS also i cannot increase the volt from 1.35V to any higher

With my old motherboard i could run this cpu at stock speeds which was 2.3ghz 7x333 i dont really
remember the cpu voltage tho

Thanks for your time any help is very appreciated
That motherboard supports 1066/800/533MHz FSB; therefore it can't run a 1333 MHz FSB CPU at full speed. 2.33/1333*1066=1.86 GHz. To run the CPU at its rated speed, you need a compatible motherboard.

What cpu is it exactly (model number). need that to help you really

Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor E6550
(4M Cache, 2.33 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)

Thanks for your time


He is correct that cpu is not supported with that board, checked gigabyte support myself, under cpu support it says ' Not Supported" need one that supports 1333 mhz cpu's

Thank you guys makes sense to me you think 2.3 to 1.8 its a big deal?


Pure gaming i only use this pc for games ofc in games that it can run League of legends csgo etc


Gigabyte overclocked version of 9500gt is what makes me play almost everything i want

Should i replace my e6550 Dualcore 2.3Ghz with an older CPU Intel Pentium D 925 3Ghz which is supported by mobo?
this is an older cpu but its 3.0ghz and its supported by mobo what do you think?


I will buy new gaming system soon i had no so much time for games thats why i never upgraded this old pc

Could you please explain me why it would perform worse? just for educational purposes
i would like to understand my self how to compare e6550@2.3ghz with intel pentium D 925@3.0Ghz
how and why 2.3ghz wins 3.0 and why a newer cpu would have less frequency than older cpu

Thanks for your time 😉

http://www.cpu-world.com/Compare/519/Intel_Core_2_Duo_E6550_vs_Intel_Pentium_D_925.html The E6550 is at least 60% faster than the old and hot D925. Even if it only operates at 80% of its rated performance, it still is faster. Don't compare the frequency to determine which one is better; they are totally different and the Core 2 is far more efficient. If you can afford it, a Q6600 would be a good CPU for that motherboard; they can be bought for $30 or less.

You are gold my friend quick and clear answers thank you very much