CPU's temps change and smudges


Feb 7, 2014
Hi! I used to have an enormous problem with temps on my cpu Phenom x4 965. To help myself with that I bought CM hyper 212 evo and applied thermalpaste that came with a package. Everything was great. Temps were about 29 C idle, 38 during average load (3d game + music + chrome). However, once that I assembled my computer back from a short fix (connected hdd sata cable) temps were way higher than that. I was running over 50 during mediocre stress and rarely fell below 40 idle. I think that something must have moved. Anyway, I got proper thermalpaste and new case since then. I reassambled everything and hoped for amazingly low temps again to no avail. Right now, on a higher quality thermalpaste and case, I'm running 36 idle and 55 C degrees stress. Even though those temperatures are decent, I'm curious what was the reason behind the fall in temps, especially considering higher-class equipment. Also I've noticed there is a darker smudge on CPU that is uncleanable and there seemed to be one more during most recent thermalpaste change.

They (2) are coming from the sides towards the middle, but pretty far off from the center.

I'm not overclocking. Yes, I did use coffee thing and isopropyl alcohol, same thing now and back when temps were pretty cool.
I just wonder whether I should try to apply thermalapaste again? I'm concerned about those smudges and those higher temps as well.

edit: maybe I should mention that I'm pretty shaky when it comes to mounting the cooler. I always have to try at least 2-3 times, clean stuff and begin again. I don't know whether that could contribute to those smudges, but the first must have been there before I started using aftermarket cooler.

I would not be concerned then. Coming outside in and not central indicates nothing to worry about.


How did you apply the thermal paste, just a small spot in the center?

Are you using the stock heatsink?

Check your cable management too, make sure nothing is blocking airflow. You may have moved cables and blocking the intake fan from blowing air in properly.

I question the reliability of the measurements.

What program are you measuring temps with?