'Crackdown 3' Delayed To Spring 2018

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This is truly sad in several ways. I think of the forensic data Cloudfare could glean from those attacks. While being conservative, i despise the vile rhetoric and speech of the neo-Nazis as much as that of the militant groups on the far left. While diametrically opposed, their tactics, methods and blind following are equal to one another.

I see the actions of Cloudfare that of cowardice. You can post a statement of your values to refute the claim of the neo-Nazis and prove your values in other ways, but to violate the tenant of free speech is truly sad.

I deplore the hate speech regardless of the group that is spewing it but to silence a voice begins, as several above have noted, a slide down potential very steep and slippery slope.

My ancestors fought in the revolutionary war on my father's side and my mother's side immigrated from Germany in two waves prior to WWI and WWII shunning the deplorable actions of those in power to fight against them.

Despite these views they allow the rest of us to have open discourse even if those such as the neo-Nazis and the far left may be closed, those in between the extremes, have freedom to have open discourse and judge for themselves that to which they will listen and respond.

Once we open the door to silencing views to which those at the helm find distasteful, we have opened the door to our own view being found distasteful by the next one at the helm. Whether you are a corporate CEO, a representative, a judge, the president, or the guy next door, once you have silenced a voice you have set a precedent that can allow yours or what ever cause you hold dear to be the next voice silenced.

Diversity made this country great, yes sometimes that was on the backs of slaves and down trodden. I am not condoning that or applauding the actions of those who contributed to that abuse. Those abused, enslaved and down trodden still believed in the values of this country, some fought within it for their own freedoms and their voice.

Let us not open the door for those to be eroded and taken away by the popular view or dominant political group du jour. If we do then we are headed down a road that will lead us to be what Nazi Germany was or North Korea is (or insert what ever dictatorial regime or brutal king/queen you choose for there have been far too many in this world to name here). I do not want to live in a U.S.A. that would have us all "think alike" for without those differences of opinion and experience we would not have achieved what we have today.

My distant cousin Benjamin Franklin once said, "If everyone is thinking alike, no one is thinking." When we quit thinking, we cease to innovate, to build, and to grow.

Let us look past the rhetoric of the hate speech that is has been the focus and see this through to a logical end. that end is the slippery slope to which others have spoken over time silences each unpopular view by the power du jour until we are left with one to which you must adhere or be exterminated just as occurred in Nazi Germany and other places around the world and throughout its history. A history that lacked freedom of speech, travel, and thought such as we enjoy here, today.
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