I'm looking through my city's local craigslist and found 2 listings that have caught my eye. First the hard drive, it's 400GB Hitachi 14R9337 for $25. I'm not good with storage specs, so I can't tell from the page I linked if it's too outdated, and is it a good-okay buy for $25?
I don't NEED the extra space (Have 320GB on this desktop; 100GB free), but it'd be nice not to worry about space. I have about 6? games on this computer, the only way I'd fill up the 100GB is with movies and more games..
The other item I'm interested in is a C300 64GB SSD for $50, I can use the extra speed.. Again, is it a good buy for $50?
I don't NEED the extra space (Have 320GB on this desktop; 100GB free), but it'd be nice not to worry about space. I have about 6? games on this computer, the only way I'd fill up the 100GB is with movies and more games..
The other item I'm interested in is a C300 64GB SSD for $50, I can use the extra speed.. Again, is it a good buy for $50?