Question Crashing instantly when idle, don't crash in safe mode.

Jun 8, 2024
Hi sorry if this has been asked before but i couldn't find anything quite like mine in the forums. When i boot up a few minutes just idling in the home screen my computer crashes, sometimes the screen flickers black a few times before doing so. When i boot up in safe mode the computer is completely fine, i could use it for a few hours with no issue.

My computer specs
CPU; AMD Ryzen 9 3900x 12core
Motherboard; X570 Gaming X version 1.1
Ram; 2 sticks of 16 ddr4 corsair vengeance
Power; ToughPower Grand 750w
Graphics card: nvidia GeForce RTX 2060
Windows 10

I've done the basic stuff like reinstalling windows several times, i've update my bios to the latest version on their website, i've reseated everything on the motherboard and moved my ram and gpu to different slots. I've ran memtest86 (no errors) and uninstalled my gpu drivers using DDU. Any help would be greatly appreciated i'm out of my depth at this point and don't know what to do

here is a link to my 2 latest dump files
Jun 8, 2024
The only thing I can suggest, even though you said you reinstalled several times, is to reinstall - BUT wipe the drive before installing. Delete all partitions on the drive before installing. Has that been done?
Should i do this when i'm in the installation section? When it asks me where to install i just delete all the partitions there or is there a specific way to do this
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Have a USB with your MB drivers on it, ready to install once windows is at desktop. Oh, I'm not familiar with your GPU or MB, but if your MB has on board video, remove the GPU before reinstalling Windows. Only install it after Windows is installed and all drivers are up to date.
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Jun 8, 2024
Have a USB with your MB drivers on it, ready to install once windows is at desktop. Oh, I'm not familiar with your GPU or MB, but if your MB has on board video, remove the GPU before reinstalling Windows. Only install it after Windows is installed and all drivers are up to date.
Unfortunately my cpu doesn't support onboard graphics from what looking it up tells me, so i'll have to do this with my gpu plugged in. I'll try reinstalling now and report back
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Jun 8, 2024
Unfortunately my cpu doesn't support onboard graphics from what looking it up tells me, so i'll have to do this with my gpu plugged in. I'll try reinstalling now and report back
Not to leave you hanging, I did as you suggested and after a clean install i did crash once (KernalDataInpageError) during the setup process with cortana, but so far other than some errors updating windows (error code of 0x800706be) I have yet to crash when normally i would have crashed by now. It's very late, so i will go back on my computer tomorrow to try and actually run some programs but so far just idling trying to install windows updates i am having no problems. thank you if this solved it then you're my savior
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Jun 8, 2024
I finally got to get back on my computer, after about an hour of just regular use (downloaded additional programs/watched a youtube video) it hasn't crashed yet which is unprecedented as all other times i did a reinstall it didn't fix the issue and i kept crashing. I feel like i have done a clean install before where i deleted my partitions, but i definitely have not downloaded my MB drives on a flashdrive and updated them after the clean install before so i think that's what did it for me. Thank you for your help this is a great forum with great people.
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