A short while ago a game I'd been playing for weeks started to crash - either the screen turns into flashing little squares or a blank screen with a message saying directx has crashed because of a copying program, which I don't have.
I've noticed in MSI Afterburner the 4 CPU clock speeds are flashing between 3904 and 801 and after a few minutes in the game the temperature skyrockets prior to the crash. CPU-Z shows the memory NB Frequency is also flashing between 3900 and 800
My PC has a Asus Sabretooth z170 Mk1 m/b, Intel i5 6600k, 16GB Corsair memory, Corsair cooling and case and AMD R9 380 GPU
There doesn't appear to be overheating issues - the Asus AI Suite 3 works well. I've tested the memory, CPU and GPU with serveral recommended testing programs and nothing is shown up as malfuctioning. I've updated the drivers and indeed loaded old ones.
Is this a fatal CPU problem or solvable?
I've noticed in MSI Afterburner the 4 CPU clock speeds are flashing between 3904 and 801 and after a few minutes in the game the temperature skyrockets prior to the crash. CPU-Z shows the memory NB Frequency is also flashing between 3900 and 800
My PC has a Asus Sabretooth z170 Mk1 m/b, Intel i5 6600k, 16GB Corsair memory, Corsair cooling and case and AMD R9 380 GPU
There doesn't appear to be overheating issues - the Asus AI Suite 3 works well. I've tested the memory, CPU and GPU with serveral recommended testing programs and nothing is shown up as malfuctioning. I've updated the drivers and indeed loaded old ones.
Is this a fatal CPU problem or solvable?