Not sure if this is the correct thread to post under, but recently I just built my second ever gaming rig. First one however that I've put together myself and done the research on without help from my dad. Runs games amazing, however I have an issue. I first noticed when I had tried running pubg that after loading into the main menu my pc crashed and restarted. Tried the game again and it crashed again. Deleted and reinstalled and crashed again, dad said might be drivers so I reinstalled all drivers. Nothing worked, then I restarted the computer completely wiping everything off it and resinstalling windows. Didn't work, so quit trying. Instead tried out COD: MW as it came with my graphics card, was able to run it for 4-6 hours sessions with no issues same with every other game EXCEPT pubg. Figured pubg was just being plain old pubg but then a few days ago my pc started crashing on mw, I played for like 4 hours and it was fine but then crashed towards the end of the session and so last night I went to try and play it again and it crashed after like 4 or 5 games. Turned that game off and went to siege, where it crashed before the first match even started. NEED HELP as I literally just dropped 2,400 into this new build and I'm not having the fun I wanted!!
Link to build:
Link to build: