Crazy prices? What can I get?


Mar 8, 2017
Hello, so I am in the market for a new videos card. I currently have a GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 970 4GB WINDFORCE 3X OC EDITION, Which I bought a while back, ( At the end of 2014) I only paid $ 350. USD at the time.

I love the card,and my current system. Well I am looking to build a similiar system, in terms of power.

I look and cannot find any 970 cards for a decent price.I see the same card I have , on amazon USED for $420 buks?? Check here:

How would the price go UP??

My question is, what cards are out now, that will be similar, or even a little greater in power, than my 970, but at a decent price? (under $400 USD)

THis is my purposed build
My question is, what cards are out now, that will be similar, or even a little greater in power, than my 970, but at a decent price? (under $400 USD)

Unfortunately, the answer is, "None". Due to the influx of Crypto-Currency mining, the miners are buying up all of the higher-end graphic cards; causing a depleted supply. Low supply plus high demand means much higher prices. I would not expect the prices to come down any time soon.

-Wolf sends
My question is, what cards are out now, that will be similar, or even a little greater in power, than my 970, but at a decent price? (under $400 USD)

Unfortunately, the answer is, "None". Due to the influx of Crypto-Currency mining, the miners are buying up all of the higher-end graphic cards; causing a depleted supply. Low supply plus high demand means much higher prices. I would not expect the prices to come down any time soon.

-Wolf sends