Create a dark mode for Toms Hardware


as the title says.
I think it would be awesome if the web developers of this site would make a dark mode for people who frequent the forums at night.

Go ahead and discuss this sharing your feelings and opinions about this or just giving a yay or nay to the idea.

If you think this should happen, feel free to upvote this post so that we have some sort of voting counter to work with.

Can also downvote as well to keep it balanced.

Maybe if we get enough upvotes and possitive comments, they will do it.

If you use Firefox or Chrome , install the addon Dark Reader , you will love it enabled on Tom's Hardware.

Hmmm.... Very nice.
Not as perfect as a native dark mode would be but a really good tide me over until they decide to actually do one.

Thanks , for an addon , does a decent job on most sites.
yep. pretty good so far.
I used to use dark mode addons back in the day but they all eventually stopped working or just didn't work well with sites that got updated to newer CSS configurations.

Kind of gave up on such addons then. Good to know that there's still people who realize that a dark mode is absolutely a must have on almost any website.

The main one's I used to have dark mode for was FB, Google, and YouTube.
Now that YouTube has a native dark mode and I don't use FB anymore, having it for Google is kinda nice. And of course for any other site I visit out there that has a more light theme to it.

Especially when I'm on late and I help people with PC build suggestions and I'm having to follow links from PCPP to Newegg, Amazon, etc. to confirm that it's actually for that price, or in stock when it says it's not, or not in stock when it says it is (a big problem with PCPP lately).

Makes things easier on the eyes for sure.