Create a phone carrier.

I have an Ooma. It is a VOIP device. It pumps your phone call through your internet connection. Approx $4 month. That $4 includes taxes and fees, and e-911.

You want call, text, data. For free.
How will you transport that data across whatever wire you are connected to? Who will you connect to, and how?

Can you do it for free? Sure, if you have a few million to start with.
You need to run a physical wire from your house to your friends house. Or rent bandwidth on a satellite.
At some point, you're going to have to connect to one of the actual major carriers. Verizon, AT&T, Sprint. And they are going to want money.

What country might this be? It makes a difference.
And what are you actually trying to do? Talk between yourselves, or talk to anyone in the world?

I'm in the US.

Again, what are you actually trying to do?
Almost free actual phone? Ooma. $4 month.
Free video phone? Skype.

I will look into ooma but it sounds like its from a foreign country. I would like to have call text and data if possible but I am not sure if data is possible. Please forgive me of my lack of knowledge of this.
I have an Ooma. It is a VOIP device. It pumps your phone call through your internet connection. Approx $4 month. That $4 includes taxes and fees, and e-911.

You want call, text, data. For free.
How will you transport that data across whatever wire you are connected to? Who will you connect to, and how?

Can you do it for free? Sure, if you have a few million to start with.
You need to run a physical wire from your house to your friends house. Or rent bandwidth on a satellite.
At some point, you're going to have to connect to one of the actual major carriers. Verizon, AT&T, Sprint. And they are going to want money.

I was thinking either tower or satellite. Also does ooma have to connect to wifi or is it anywhere?

It is a small device that connects to the router in the home or business, and then to a 'phone'. It ends up working the same (mostly) as a traditional landline.
If all you are used to is a cellphone, this concept may be foreign to you.

Ok well that puts the mobile out of perspective but seems like a cool thing to have. I might need to check it out how much does it cost per month? Also does this just connect through awifi connection with an app or does it need a card or specific phone?
The Ooma is not smartphone, or WiFi, or 'app' dependent.
It is a replacement for a traditional landline, like your parents had.

It costs approx $3.75/month.
It is an inexpensive replacement for the phone service your ISP may want to sell you for $40/month.

The phone on the wall that your parents had? Instead of plugging it into the wall and paying Bell or AT& plug it into the Ooma device and pay them a trivial amount.

You probably do not need or want this.

Thanks a lot for your help. It appears to be a knock off home phone for dirt cheap. I think i might get it because we use the landline quite frequently so this would be a good thing to have.

If you are currently paying more than $10 for a home landline, then yes, do this. I've had this Ooma thing for 3(?) years, with nary a burp. Under $4/month.

Yeah I'm going to tell my parents to get this because we were about to cancel our hp. Thanks again!