Creating multiple ethernet ports from one


Jan 9, 2015
I'm headed back to college soon, and just got all the parts to build a new pc. So I will be wanting to using an ethernet port instead of the wifi. However, only one ethernet port works in our room and my roommate has a PC as well.

Is a router the best way to make several ports when given only one ethernet jack? Also will a router work if the WiFi is turned off? I'd rather our campus not know we are using a router even if what we are doing is totally fine.

Also if we share one port using router, will this compromise speed at all? Campus WiFi/internet sucks enough as is. And we do some intense gaming. :bounce:

Side question: If I wanted to turn on the router's wifi, could I? They basically make you login and register each device's MAC address. Would this make it virtually impossible to bypass?
Yes, a router would be the most common way to do what you're asking. wireless can be turned off.

You could use a simple switch if each of you are able to obtain an IP address (either you're both assigned static ones, or you can each get assigned one via DHCP).

Sharing 1 port using a router probably wouldn't be a problem as I doubt that would be the bottleneck.

for your side question, if you're using a router, only one MAC address would be visible to the campus netowrk- the WAN port. It's external side.

the wireless, and the LAN ports are internal side so that would only be visible to your network in your room.

If you're using a switch, both of your computer's MAC addresses would be visible to the campus network. I'd still highly...
This depends a LOT on how the security is set up.

Some schools require each device (PC) to have some Cisco thing running, that you have to authenticate through. This will not work on a router, because you can't run it on that device.

Ask the school IT dept. You are not the first person to want this. Either it is allowed and they will know exactly how to do it, or it isn't allowed, and you can't gt around it.

I will do that then if that's the best way, but will a router not work? I ask because I have old routers but no switches at home. Thanks.
Yes, a router would be the most common way to do what you're asking. wireless can be turned off.

You could use a simple switch if each of you are able to obtain an IP address (either you're both assigned static ones, or you can each get assigned one via DHCP).

Sharing 1 port using a router probably wouldn't be a problem as I doubt that would be the bottleneck.

for your side question, if you're using a router, only one MAC address would be visible to the campus netowrk- the WAN port. It's external side.

the wireless, and the LAN ports are internal side so that would only be visible to your network in your room.

If you're using a switch, both of your computer's MAC addresses would be visible to the campus network. I'd still highly recommend a router as it gives you so much more flexibility. want to add laptops or allow guests' laptops in your room? no problem. want to add a chromecast? use your phones on wifi? no problem. etc... Plus it gives you some level of security as things trolling around your campus network (external side) wouldn't be able to necessarily see your workstations (internal side) without compromising the router which isn't trivial.

I think a router should be fine but i haven't really tried it just make sure that the ethernet ports are at least 100mbps - not 10 :)

Perfect, thanks. I think what I will do is bring it and if I setup WiFi, I will label it something crazy so it seems like a printer or something.

So basically I just register the MAC address of the router and then any devices connected to the router share the same address? If they limit like 10mb/s per download and 1mb/s upload, would we be sharing that? Instead of utilizing both accounts?

EDIT: Just to clarify, we both get a basic internet account, being able to register 2 devices, and we get the limit stated above. So if used a router, we'd only be using one of our accounts creating a 10mb/s limit for both of us. correct?

Even better idea XD. Thanks.

This may be overdoing it, but could I add a switch to the wall, to create more ports. Then my roommate could connect to the switch so he could utilize his own account and full speed, then I could connect a router to the switch so I could have all my own stuff?

Or do routers have to be before the switch? If the above doesn't work I may just use a switch so we get full speed and suck it up with my device limit.
Just be warned that if the IT staff are at all on the ball they will detect what you are doing (this is really, really easy for them unless you are a networking guru). Doing this sort of thing without permission is a potentially serious breach of the security of the network so they will surely take action against you. This could very likely result in your expulsion.

thanks for the heads up, it's a large university and I have friends that use a router just fine. But I will most likely not do that if the switch suffices.
I'm puzzled. If you have friends at the University already doing this, why did you need to ask here how to do it? Anyway, it's none of my business; I just wanted to warn you that this sort of use of a router, wireless or wired, is very easy to detect.

If all you want is multiple ports then a switch is the answer. But, as mentioned above, it still might not work on your network.

Switch or router...whatever comes out of the wall will be shared.
Again...what does the IT dept say for how to do this? You are not the first person to want to do this.