Creating WIfi hotspot usig a wifi dongle , a modem and a pc.

Nikitesh Singh

May 17, 2015
I have a WiFi dongle and my PC connected to internet through modem. i want to use internet on my phone through WiFi.. can i create a WiFi hotspot using all these
This program seems to work better than just using Windows ICS for Android phones and its free so give it a try:
Do you also have a wireless card or Ethernet to supply your laptop the Internet (your post is not clear on that point). And what OS are you using, Windows 7?

If your phone is an Android based phone, Microsoft ICS (internet connection sharing) does not work well. Your best bet is an application called Connectify (but it is not free) -- works great though.
You can use ICS as indicated above but you quickly get into why would you convert your expensive computer into a dumb router. You have to be very careful what software you run on the computer to not cause delays for your wireless devices.

Unless money is a huge issue a $25 router is going to extremely simple to setup and much more stable than anything you can hack together.