CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED blue screen everytime i start up

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Jul 30, 2016
I have an Acer E1-531 laptop. Today, it was accidentally dropped on the floor but it worked well. Few hours later i got a sudden blue screen with an error i dont remember. It restarted very, very slowly. When it logged in, the desktop was loading very slowly too. Then i got an error about missing dll, and after that - a blue screen with some kernel error. Now i just keep getting what i stated in the title. Is there anything I can do? Will reinstalling from a recovery disc Windows help? I also want to add it doesn't even let me do anything on the desktop.
Well the drop could have done a number of different things.

Before doing a recovery/reinstall, I would suggest (if you are comfortable doing it) open up the device and make sure nothing is dislodged, disconnected, broken, etc.

If you find that nothing 'seems' to have been physically damaged, then try the recovery/reinstall.
I guess your hard drive is damaged, here's how to make sure it's not :
1st you need to take your hard drive from your computer, connect it to an external case for it to be used as an external Hard drive, then connect it to Another computer (friend's or family member's working computer) via USB of cours.,
Then on this other computer, and after connecting your "damaged" HDD via USB, download this program : extract it's content, then run HDDSCAN.exe, after that click on the circled icone (that displays a hdd) labeled "new task" then click surface test.
The surface may take a lot of time depending on the hdd's capacity, computer's speed and the USB version (2.0,3.0 etc..)
Anyways, you just wait until it completely finishes, and then copy and paste the report.
Good luck.
It turns out it was just Window's fault, not sure why. But now I have another problem explained in another topic. Maybe you can help, please?

Thanks for the answers
MetaPL, Windows can sometime boot, work as everything is good and nothing is damaged, I'm 70% sure It's the HDD fault, because an HDD contains sectors, and when it falls those sectors are more likely to be damaged, windows is mostly installed on the first clean sectors of a hard drive, and assuming that there are bad sectors, then sometimes informations are being stored in those bad sectors, that's how you can experience multiple and random errors, and it all will take you back to your HDD that was not entirely clean all along..
Anyway I've given you my solution and the way to make sure if your HDD is clean or not, I see that you didn't do the test I've told you too, I can't help you if you don't help yourself mate :)
Best of luck.
Ps: about good sectors and bad sectors ..
A Hard drive contains sectors, and each sector represents an amount of data, for example a 500GB contains a total of 976,562,500 sectors, each sector represents 512 bytes (1/2kilo byte), windows is commonly installed in sector 1 until sector 2,000,000 for example, then if the next sector is damaged, windows will try to write or read information in this sector it will lead to a loop, then windows may crash, timeout the operation, reboot, or it may not affect the system at all, but how can you make sure which sector from the overall number of sectors are damaged? and not to mention that there is no order in damaged sectors, like you may have sector 2,500,874 to 2,800,674 damaged and at the same time sector 902,541,678 to 908,254,167 damaged etc..
You see how it works now? if you understand that you know why windows is crashing and running slow..
Before anyone replied here, it already "died", being unable to go past Acer logo, so the only thing I could do was to give it to a service where they did everything.

Thanks for helping anyway
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