Critical_Process_Died causing BSOD


Jan 28, 2014
Hey there,

I've been having bsod issues lately and I've used WinDbg to read the memory dump file. I'm somewhat new to reading this type of file but I am assuming that my problem is caused by svchost.exe since it says:
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for aswSP.sys
Probably caused by : svchost.exe

I might be wrong anyways so can anyone tell me what's wrong?
Here's the dump file in text form:

svchost.exe could be many different things. It could even potentially be a virus. Easiest thing to check first is run a virus scan with something like malwarebytes. You can also do a quick check yourself by looking at task manager, details tab, then right click a svchost.exe and select open file location. If any svchost.exe is located anywhere EXCEPT C:\Windows\System32 then it is most likely a virus. Does the BSOD happen during times when the PC is working hard? Or is it random and intermittent? Is it only while installing new software or while starting/shutting down the pc? Pay attention to WHEN the BSOD happens to help us troubleshoot. Also, could you please list your PC specs including PSU make model & watts.

I just checked task manager and svchost.exe isn't on there. I guess its not running at the moment. The BSOD occurs when I boot up the PC and a couple of minutes later when the desktop shows up. The BSOD happens randomly. For example: it happened today but the last time it happened was around a week or two ago.
This is my computer parts:

Also, I'll uninstall and reinstall Avast.
To be completly honest i have not been very impressed with avast in general. Based off what you've said, I am betting that you got some malware or a virus that affected avast and is now causing your BSOD. If I were you, i would first uninstall avast. Thrn go download malwarebytes and run a full scan. Fix whatever it finds, then reinstall avast and run both virus protectors in the future :).
I already had malwarebytes installed.
I uninstalled Avast and malwarebytes just finished scanning but it didn't find anything. Now, I'm debating whether to use Avast again or try another anti-virus.