I'm crossed between using the i5 4690 and doing a xeon 1231v3 build. Probably 75% gaming and the rest used between working my android apps using eclipse. I want to play BF4/Fallout-4 on Ultra settings but I'll upgrade once DX12 is out so I would like to keep the price down low. I already have all of the HDD's in the part picker and I'm crossed between cases. I like the NZXT S340 but I wonder how it would go with no optical drive. Inputs appreciated!
I'm crossed between using the i5 4690 and doing a xeon 1231v3 build. Probably 75% gaming and the rest used between working my android apps using eclipse. I want to play BF4/Fallout-4 on Ultra settings but I'll upgrade once DX12 is out so I would like to keep the price down low. I already have all of the HDD's in the part picker and I'm crossed between cases. I like the NZXT S340 but I wonder how it would go with no optical drive. Inputs appreciated!