Crossfire 6850?


Feb 19, 2013
Hey guys I am running a Corsair gs700 watt psu, phenom x4 955be,a gigabyte 6850, and an ecs a790gxm-ad3 as my motherboard. I am using a 1280x720 resolution. My birthday is comming up and my parents want to buy me a gift, so I was wondering if another 6850 for crossfire would make a difference or go for a 7850. That is only if I would see an fps improvement in games. I mostly play gta san andreas, saints row 3, and sleeping dogs. I want to keep it under 200 dollars and im willing to get a nvidia card if needed
1280 x 720 lcd or led moniter is 15.4" so single gpu is more then enough. buy a monitor 22" or greater for games. u r pc configuration is good but slow monitor.
I suggest getting a Radeon 7850. Radeon 6800 cards are prone to significant stutter issues when used in Crossfire, a common issue with graphics cards that use a VLIW5 architecture such as all Radeon 5000 cards and all Radeon 6000 cards except for the Radeon 6930, 6950, 6970, and 6990.

You have a low resolution, but don't let hytecgowthaman convince you that this can't be helped with a decent graphics card such as the Radeon 7850. Simply pump up the MSAA settings and max out texture settings and you're good to go.

Also, monitor size has absolutely nothing to do with performance. Monitor resolution is important, but that is not directly correlated to size.

I don't suggest going with a Nvidia card at this price point unless you find at least a GTX 660 that isn't much more expensive than any Radeon 7850 that you can afford.